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Bonnie nested her head against his chest, her fingers kept making these little patterns up and down his back. There were no words she knew that were able to describe how she felt lying on her side, his arms around her keeping her trapped in this bubble of safety and love.
Two naked bodies close as one.

"I need to leave your bed..." she finally broke the soothing silence.
"I strongly disapprove." he simply said and ran his finger over her shoulder.

It made her smile and she left the warmth of his chest so she could face him. "I need to send your father back and deal with Elena's death."
Kol outlined her face, he hated the way her smile faded and he was taken back to the nights she had spent crying over the loss of her friend. "Full moon is only tonight and we still have a few hours left darling."

She searched his neck with her hand and pulled him closer so she could kiss him. She had no words for what she felt when they kissed either. Or the way that she felt when they moved and she was under him, pressing his body to hers for that matter.
Surely love and lust walked hand in hand when it came to Kol but she wasn't complaining, the way Kol made love to her every time was a reminder of how much she had missed before their fates became so entangled together.

Simply put she was in love with him and for the first time in her life she was happy and loved back with the same intensity.
That he made her moan his name in pleasure was just a bonus.

"Kol..." she groaned lost in bliss with his chance of pace.
It was a really big fat cherry on top of a perfect cake.

"Are you sure about this?" Liz asked wrinkling her nose.
"Mom... are you going to cry?" Caroline asked surprised.

Liz shook her head but her denial burst into flames when a stubborn tear left her beautiful eyes. "I just want you to be happy..."
"I just need a break from Mystic Falls... a lot happened this year and I feel like I'm suffocating trapped in this place, specially now with Elena's death."

Liz nodded and unexpectedly took Caroline into her arms. "I expect you to do what you haven't done before, call me every two days so I will know that you are ok."
Caroline smiled and fought her own tears. "I will call every day mom and I will be back soon, I promise. I'll come for Christmas and your birthday..."

Liz broke the hug and stroked her golden hair. "Just make sure you don't get hurt and that he treats you well."
Caroline could feel the slight scolding in her mother towards Klaus. "He will never let anything happen to me mom."

That was enough to reassure Liz. "That will have to do I guess..."
Caroline smiled and hugged her mother tight again; she knew it would take at least a few months since they would see each other again.

Elijah smiled at Caroline that made her way to the Art room.
"Hey Elijah." she said as easily as someone living in the house already.

"Good afternoon Caroline..." he bowed his head and kept his pace, then he stopped and called the blonde girl.
Caroline looked back at him.

"I was wondering if Elisabeth was on a night shift tonight."
"Whose that?" Caroline frowned.

"Your mother... Liz." Elijah said holding the book in his hand closer to him.
"My... oh... well..." Caroline pursed her lips. "She's working."

"Thank you." Elijah ended the awkward talk and left quickly.
Caroline pointed at him and then recoiled her finger, she found Klaus neatly wrapping his art and packing it into boxes. He wasn't leaving without his art, that's for sure. "Your brother Elijah just asked about my mom... uncomfortable much?"

Klaus smiled closing another box. "I rather not comment on that. I have enough with Rebekah wanting to stay here and finish high school. In my mind Elijah is staying behind because of our sister that has been spending too much time with that human boy."
"I'm looking for the right word to describe how freaked out I am about the possibility of Elijah staying behind because of my mom..." Caroline shook her head and sat on the bed. "And Bekah is helping Matt, he is all alone now..." she sighed sad but then closed her eyes. "Urgh... I can't take the image of your brother and my mother out of my head now."

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