Anger suits you

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"Stop moving... Kol... he doesn't stand still." Bonnie yelped as the horse moved again.
Kol laughed. "That's because you are terrified of him and he can sense it."

"Of course I am... it's a horse." she said backing away again when the horse tried to nudge her.
Kol shook his head and took hold of the horse stroking his head, the horse closed his eyes loving the smooth touch. "I'll hold him down for you."

Bonnie pushed her hair away from her face and blew some air. "Why am I letting you talk me into this again?"
"Because it's our last day in this forsaken place and you should try at least once to ride a horse properly... I still can't believe you have never been around one before."

"I was never part of the rich squad... I belong to the single parent raised by my Gran squad. I had two summer jobs to pay for my car."
"Exactly why you should do this then, there's nothing better than riding a horse."

"What is your fixation with horses? You and Klaus?" she wanted to know why all the fascination.
Kol smiled. "After living for so long its hard finding something that still amazes us... I think Nik and I still hold on to our human past somehow. The only good memories we have of it at least. I don't know about Nik but mine are mostly about riding a horse and Henrik."

Bonnie went serious, the little boy was dying tonight and she could tell that this was on Kol's mind so she quickly realized why he was so keen on teaching her how to ride a damn horse.
Almost too easily she played along. "Fine, show me how to ride the stupid horse."

The horse made a loud noise and she flinched scared, Kol scolded her and stroked the animal. "Don't listen to her darling... she doesn't mean it."
It was Bonnie who shook her head now, there was something about this Original, he was able to flirt with the animals as cunningly as he did with women.

He reached his hand out to Bonnie while holding the horse and she took it, he helped her get on the horse and held back a smirk when she fought her way through the really long dress. But the girl was everything but weak and a quitter so she did manage to place each leg on the side of the horse, he was genuinely proud of her when she gave him a huge smile and easily got on the horse himself.

He could listen to her heart racing when he settled in front of her and reached for the leather reigns.
"What now?" she asked low.

He grinned without looking at her. "Hold on tight."
Bonnie gulped down loudly and laced her arms around him, she closed her eyes and held on to him as tight as she could. She was laughing soon after he gently kicked his heels and the horse raced through the empty field.

Caroline moved the green leaves slowly, checking if he was there, she bit her lip knowing that this was an enormous catastrophic mistake but she had to know how he was. She got on her toes to see ahead of her and felt her chest taut when she found the place empty.

She slowly came to the waterfall looking around again but he wasn't here. Caroline was sad and turned around to leave when she caught someone coming up the prominence, for a moment she feared it was Klaus on to her little detour from her hunting errand. But the long wavy locks made her smile, he looked well and she was happy.

"Caroline..." he said smiling at her and she looked down from him, the way he said it was just unique.
"Are you ok?" she asked looking at him.

His blue eyes were sparkling yet sad like always. "Yes, thank you for your concern but you really shouldn't be here... it's not safe. We both know that... you are somehow different."
Caroline chewed on her lip. "I'm leaving soon."

Klaus' eyes went to the floor, sadness taking over his features as well now. "It's for the best... there is nothing good in this land."
Caroline clasped her lips unsure of what to tell him, he searched her eyes almost as a goodbye he knew it was inevitable.

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