Take my breath away

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Caroline took a deep breath before knocking on Tyler's door. She tried to smile when he opened the door but his stern look was making it very hard to be nice to him.
"I see Hayley's blood worked." he said dryly and showed his back to her as he went inside his house leaving her there.

"Nice to see you care so much for your girlfriend."
"Are you still my girlfriend?" he asked facing her mad.

Caroline closed the door. "I don't know, you tell me Tyler."
Tyler laughed bitterly. "You went to the past with him, you keep his drawings..."

"Have you been roaming through my things again?" she asked him annoyed.
"I burned the damn pony he made you." he answered mad.

Caroline couldn't help the anger that came over her. "You had no right to do that."
"Burn the pathetic pictures he made of you? I have news for you Caroline, you are my girlfriend, not his." he shouted mad at her.

"The spell took me to the past, I had no choice in that." she tried to defend herself.
"And to Europe? Did Klaus force that on you? Did he force anything else?"

She clenched her teeth mad with his insinuations. "Nothing happened Tyler."
"That's not what I saw outside The Grill."

"I was... confused with you and Hayley." she said shaking her soft curls, her mind was a mess.
"What the hell happened while you were in the past Caroline?" he finally snapped.

"I don't know..." she was honest.
Tyler grabbed her arms fiercely. "That's the best you can give me? You hated him, then he dances with you and draws you pictures that you keep and then you get marked by a hunter that only goes after the ones that mean the most to the Originals."

Caroline slowly looked at him. "I can't control how he feels about me..."
Tyler pushed her away like he was repulsed by her and she couldn't understand why.

Hayley showed up with a smile. "We only go after the ones that have feelings for them as well."
Caroline scolded her. "Thanks for the blood."

"Don't mention it... I hope the hallucinations weren't that bad to endure..." she taunted Caroline bluntly.
"I'm here, aren't I? Guess it will take a lot more to take me down." She challenged the werewolf back.

"Well I'm going underground for a while, you all seem very vulnerable to the Originals and I don't want to lose my head just yet." Hayley grabbed her leather bag filled with clothes and came to Tyler, she hugged him really tight and left a kiss on his cheek, really close to his lips just to taunt Caroline. "I'll keep in touch... I know that you are safe, you feel nothing but hate for all of them." she smiled and stroked his chin.

Caroline frowned, she should be mad, fuming at the other girl and yet she wasn't.
Hayley stopped by her before she left. "Be careful whose side you choose, it's not very clever to side with them, we aren't playing games this time, it all ends this time around."

"Bring it on hunter..." Caroline said serious and with a dark to her that made Tyler frown.
Hayley left smiling and waved at Tyler, he looked at Caroline confused with her. "Are you taking their side?"

"I'm taking my side." she said and left.
"Caroline? What does that mean?" he asked her sweetly, like she always knew him to be.

"It means that I'm tired of having to prove myself to everyone else." she said not looking back at him.

Caroline drove straight home, she needed to clear her mind and nothing was better than ice cream. She indulged in a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream and smiled at Liz when she came inside the house. "Hey mom..." she said without excitement.

Liz smiled putting away her gun and then took a spoon joining her daughter. "Ok... what happened?"
Caroline forced a smile. "Nothing..."

Liz took a big spoon of ice cream. "You are never home these days... so to come in and find you eating chocolate ice cream..."
Caroline sighed. "I had a fight with Tyler."

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