Stripped down

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"I can't be killed. Let me just put that out there since we are going to be in here for a while." Mikael said looking around.
"You are bluffing." Rebekah said and came near the coffin, she rested her hand there in hopes to end this soon so she could bring her brother back.

"I'm here by magic, a spell that isn't that easy to undo, not even when you have a Bennett on your side." he said measuring the girl.
She smiled at him. "I bet I can refute those odds."

"You can try my dear but I'm here on a mission, even if you send me back, I will still find a way to come here to this future, now that I know how it's done and that it can be done."
Bonnie looked at Kol not fully understanding what Mikael was saying.

"Ayanna won't send you back, she wants to end us all and if you don't go back, our present is forever changed." Elijah spoke closer than Mikael assumed he was.
"Ayanna? She is probably thinking that I went on a hunting trip like everyone else."

"What do you mean? She sent you here, she knows where you are." Bonnie was more confused by the minute.
But so was Mikael. "Ayanna? Why do you insist on her name? She was not the one that sent me here."

Rebekah exchanged looks with Elijah. "What do you mean old man?"
"I'm your father, show me some respect." he hissed at his daughter.

She shook her head scorning his words.
Elijah spoke again, calmly but eerie. "Shane told me that you saw Niklaus cross time and that you found a way with Ayanna to do the same."

"Shane told you that and you believed him so briskly? I expected that at least you would be more astute than the others Elijah."
The older Mikaelson wasn't happy with the judging tone of his father but he had other priorities. "Was he lying then?"

"I did see Niklaus and the others cross but I had no idea what magic was that. And Ayanna would never be able to perform such a spell when in our time nothing like this was even considered possible."
Elijah looked at his siblings.

"So if it wasn't the witch who sent you here?" Kol pressed.
"I was out hunting and then I blacked out, when I came to myself I was among strange houses and your timeline."

"This makes no sense, you are lying through your teeth." Rebekah snapped.
"Am I? I assume you still can tell when someone isn't speaking the truth Rebekah..." Mikael confronted her.

Rebekah looked at Kol and nodded, she could feel how the old man was telling no lies.
"If Ayanna didn't send you, if you simply woke up in here, why are you after Niklaus?" Elijah asked his father, ashamed that he was still pursuing his own son.

But like so many talks they had as humans, Mikael read Elijah's unspoken words. "Don't look at me like that Elijah, he is not my son."
Rebekah snarled mad but Kol held her back by her arm, she shook Kol's hand upset but stayed where she was.

"But he is our brother." Elijah said determined.
Mikael felt tired with the dull conversation that now focused on the grey man inside the coffin that he wished dead. He faced Bonnie, the one he had made a previous agreement with. "It was either Niklaus or Kol, it was that easy to choose."

"There's four of us, you won't get out of here alive." she said as the rest of them closed ranks on the man.
Mikael smiled. "There is only a small matter... I really can't be killed." he said again.

"Lets' find out shall we?" Kol flashed and drove a stake he had kept in his coat right through Mikael's heart.
The man's blood filled his hands but he didn't falter and only released Mikael when he didn't feel him breathe anymore.

"We shouldn't risk it and take him back to the mansion, in case he comes back to life we would have him under surveillance." he told Elijah who nodded and helped him carry the man's body away.
Bonnie looked at Rebekah that looked sad. "Are you ok?" she asked the blonde.

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