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Katie's pov

"Ash! Where have you been all week? I've been so worried" I said to the boy stood in front of me whom I haven't saw in almost a week.

"I was ill, calm down Kate" Ashton said, "I was worried ash" I said laughing, "I thought you had moved school or something" I said giggling, he chuckled, "Nope, I'm still here for another year" he said, "I can't wait to leave here" I said, "Me too, it will be amazing" he said as we made our way to first period. Math. I hated math with a passion, I was awful at it, therefore making me hate it.

"Sit down and be quiet while I take the register" Mr Simpson ordered, the full class going quiet except Ashton and I who were in hysterics at something Ashton had said, "Mr Irwin and Miss Holmes please be quiet, do I have to tell you this everyday for another year" he said, we both stopped laughing and Mr Simpson sighed while looking at the computer and going through everyone's names.

"Katie and Ashton! I will not have a repeat of last year, ill split you both up if you don't do some work" Mr Simpson threatened, "Its not like any of us are going to become math teachers or anything" Ashton commented, "Exactly, none of us are going to use any of this" I added, "I won't hesitate to sit one of you here, and the other up there" mr Simpson said, pointing at the two opposite corners of the room.


"Katie! Ashton! Lauren! Harry Dinner is ready" Ashton's mum yelled, the four of us made our way to the kitchen, "How was school?" Anne Marie asked us as the five of us sat at the table, "Mr Simpson yelled at Kate and I again" Ashton said giggling, I chuckled, "He must hate you two! You're always getting in trouble with him" Anne Marie said chuckling, "He does, he's told us loads of times" I said laughing, "How about you two? How was school?" Anne Marie said to Lauren and Harry.

"Good, we played football at gym and my team won" Harry said smiling proudly, I giggled at him and how enthusiastic he was about gym, "And Lauren, how was your day?" Anne Marie asked, "It was alright, mrs Brown made us all stay after lunch to tidy up though, I hate her" Lauren said, "Remember we had her Katie?" Ashton said, "Yeah! She hated us" I said giggling, "Does any teacher like you two?" Lauren asked, "Yeah! Mr Anderson loves us" Ashton said, "Im supposed to get him for music" Lauren said, "Tell him you know Ashton and Katie and he'll love you" I said giggling, she chuckled as we continued eating our dinner.

This was a daily thing, I would go to Ashton's house for dinner and stay there until about half past 8, I always felt so welcome there, more than at my house.

You see, my father was a raging alcoholic and would always say things to me, stuff like I was worthless and pathetic and everything, it all started when my mum cheated on him and left us, I told Ashton immediately and he helped me by letting me stay at his house as frequently as possible, his mum knew too and she was supportive and treated me like her own daughter.

I felt like I belonged here, I felt safe here with Ashton and his family, they treated me like their own family, and I was forever grateful for that.

I always had a crush on Ashton, and I felt like he had a crush on me too, he would flirt with me and call me beautiful, but then at other times he would flirt with other girls, he sent mixed signals all the time, I didn't know what he felt half of the time, and it bugged me because I didn't want to wait around on him making up his mind.

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