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Ashton's pov (didn't see that coming, did you?)

I was sat across from Katie at dinner and all I could think about was how stunning she looked.

She looked absolutely flawless.

I couldn't wait to make her mine.

To call her mine.

To have her be my girlfriend.

But right now, all I had to think about was winning this game, not about how beautiful Katie looked.

I was ready in too deep, I couldn't admit that though.

I had to win this game.

"I have to go pee, i'll be back in a minute" Katie said smiling as she stood up and left to go to the bathroom.

That was one of my favourite things about Katie, she was just so honest and open, she told you exactly what she thought of you, she told you the truth, even if it hurt.

She was so stunning and she didn't even try, she was naturally beautiful, she was so down to earth and funny.

She was one of those people who you could sit and have a meaningful conversation with and then she would make you laugh, or she would sit and listen to you rant on about something and wouldn't interrupt to tell you it's silly or to forget about it, she would give advice if you needed it.

Not to mention she was such a great kisser.

She was just perfect to me.

There was no other way to describe her.


That's what comes to mind whenever someone says Katie Holmes.

"What are you ordering?" Katie asked as she sat down again, "Im not sure, I was thinking of spaghetti or steak and chips" I said, "What about you?" I asked, "A burger and chips" she answered without having to look at the menu, I chuckled as the waiter came over, "Can I take your orders?" he asked, eyeing up Katie like she was a piece of meat, "I'll have a steak and chips and my girl will have a burger and chips, and two lemonades please" I said.

I saw Katie smile when I said 'my girl', oh so she likes when I call her mine.

I'll have to keep that in mind.

"Of course, i'll be right back with your drinks" the waiter said leaving quickly, I heard Katie chuckle and I looked up, "What are you laughing at?" I asked smiling at her, "You're so jealous and we're not even dating" she said, I chuckled, "Well you're still mine, whether we're dating or during this game, you're only mine" I stated, she smiled, "I know, and you're only mine" she said as she leaned over and left and short, but sweet, kiss on my lips.

"Here are your drinks" the waiter said as he placed the drinks down, not even looking in any of our direction, just simply setting the drinks down and turning to walk away, this caused Katie to laugh, I don't even know why, she tends to laugh at nothing.

But that's one of the many things I love about her.

Wait, did I just admit I love Katie?

I can't love her yet.

She has to love me first, so I can win the game.

I couldn't love her.

This wasn't in my plan.

My plan was to make her fall in love with me, not the other way around.

As we sat at the table, enjoying each others company, we talked about anything that sprung to mind, pointless chatter about who we dislike the most and why, and then listing songs we listened to for the first time, just the usual kind of conversations.

"This has been great" I said, "I know, I've had fun" Katie said smiling at me, I was already smiling at her, "It will be better when we're actually together" she added.

Why does she have to keep bringing up the fact we're not actually together?

I mean I know it's my fault we're this way, I was the one who suggested the game, but we were supposed to act like we were together.

"I'm paying ash" Katie said as she left money and a tip on the table, "No Katie, it's always a man who pays, never the girl" I reminded her, she giggled, "That's so stereotypical" she said, "I don't care, you're not paying Katie" I said as I lifted her money and set my own down before grabbing her hand and leading her to my car.

I handed her the money back, "Keep it" she repeated, "Katie just take the money" I said, she shook her head, "Fine, but I'm using this to buy you something" I stated as I drove to my house.

"This is such a strange date, not once in the dates I've went on have I went home with the guy" Katie said as we entered my empty house, "I know, I've never took a girl home before, especially after a date" I said chuckling.

"You're trying to tell me you've never brought a girl home?" Katie asked with her eyebrow raised, "No, never" I said truthfully, "So you've never, you know, had sex?" she asked, I shook my head, half embarrassed, half proud.

Embarrassed at the thought I was almost 18 and never had sex, but proud for the exact same reason.

"Ash, it's nothing to be embarrassed about" Katie said as we fell on to the sofa, "Have you?" I asked, eager to find out, she looked down in total embarrassment, "Yeah, with Dean" she said, her cheeks bright red.

Dean was our school's player, he was a total douche bag, he slept with every girl he could, he told them all the same thing, he made them fall under his spell, and it looks like he made Katie fall too.

"Seriously? I thought you were better than him Katie" I said truthfully, "I am ash, it was almost a year ago and I was totally disgusted with myself for months, I hate myself for doing it, bigger mistake of my life" she said, I pulled her into my chest, "It's alright Katie, everyone makes mistakes" I said, rubbing her back calmingly.

I made a huge mistake.

I made this game up.

And I wish I hadn't.

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