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Katie's pov

Ashton and I were laying on the sofa watching a film, step brothers to be precise, and we were cuddled together, laughing at the jokes and occasionally talking about how many times we've watched this film.

"I'm going to go change" I said, realising I was still wearing the little black dress which was riding up my bum, "Okay babe" Ashton said as he released my waist and let me go.

I went to the room and stripped off the dress, pulling a big top over my head and putting socks on before wiping my makeup off and tying my hair into a messy bun and walking back into the sitting room where Ashton sat in the same spot I left him in.

"I'm bored" I stated as I shifted around on the sofa, "Same, we should do something" Ashton suggested, "Like what?" I asked, "I don't know, how about we invite Calum, Luke and Michael over?" He said, "Sure" I said, "Im going to change into something comfier first" he said, "Yeah, I suppose you'll want me to put shorts or something on?" I asked, Ashton looked at me, "Yeah you should, I don't want them looking at my girl" he said.

I don't know why but I always smile when Ashton calls me his girl, or when he tells me I'm his, I guess I like the idea of being Ashton's girl.

Even though I'm not technically his because of this game.

I followed Ashton to the room where he stripped down to his boxers and put on sweats and a top, meanwhile I put a pair of pyjama shorts on, "Ive text the boys, they're on their way over, I think Luke is bringing a girl that he's been seeing for a while" Ashton said, "It better not be that Jasmine girl, I hate her" I said giggling as I plopped down on Ashton's lap, "Yeah me too, if she even shows up at my door she is definitely getting told to leave" Ashton said.

"I don't think she would ever show up at your door" I said, "Not after what you said to her" Ashton said, I giggled, "Someone had to say it" I said, "She was totally flirting with you right in front of me" I added, "I know, I still hate her" he said, I chuckled as the doorbell went, signalling someone was at the door, "I'll get it" I said as I stood up to go get the door.

"Hi guys" I said smiling at the four people stood in front of me, "Hi Katie" the boys said as they hugged me and walked in, leaving Luke and a girl I recognise but don't know really, "Hi I'm Katie" I said smiling at her, "Im Erin" she smiled, "I know where I've saw you before! You're in my math class" I said, finally remembering, "Yeah, you and Ashton are so loud during math" she said giggling, I nodded, "And Mr Simpson hates you both, he actually told us one time when you both weren't in class" she added, "Yeah he's told us that loads of times" I said as she followed me inside.

I plopped down next to Ashton, laying my head on his shoulder, "Awh, you two are so cute" Erin said, I blushed as I lifted my head up and smiled at her before laying my head back down on his shoulder, "So what's the plan for tonight?" I asked, "I think we should have a party, just us six" Calum said, "You just want alcohol mate" Michael said, "Yeah I know, so how about it?" Calum said, "Im down for that" I said, "Yeah me too" Ashton said.

We all agreed and soon enough Ashton had the beer out and we were all drinking it.

"We should play seven minutes in heaven" Calum slurred, "Okay" we all agreed, by now, we were all pretty drunk, our words were slurred and we couldn't walk without stumbling, but we were having fun.

"Luke and... Mikey" Ashton said, the two of them walked to the cupboard together where they stayed until we told them to come out.

"Alright, Katie and...cal" Michael said, I giggled as I stood up from Ashton's grip, I looked at him and he giggled as I walked to the cupboard with Calum straight behind me, I turned to Calum and giggled at him, "Hello Katie" Calum said giggling, I smiled, "Hi cal" I said as I sat facing him, we both subconsciously leaned in, our lips meeting and moving in sync.

We pulled back to the sound of the others yelling time was up, even though I was drunk and couldn't think straight, I still had a guilty feeling in my chest.

I just kissed Calum.

I basically cheated on Ashton.

Even though we weren't dating, we still made rules about whatever we were, and they clearly stated we couldn't kiss other people.

I just broke that rule.

I kissed someone else.

And it wasn't just a quick kiss, it was a proper kiss.

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