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Katie's pov

"What's that on your neck? Is that a hickey? You whore" my dad said, my hands flew to my neck to cover the hickey, "Uh, it's a bruise from gym" I said, "You little liar" he screamed, I shuddered and stepped back, "Do I scare you?" he said, a little quieter but still loudly, "A little" I admitted, he smirked, "Good" he said as he stepped closer to me, I saw something I had never saw in his eyes before, I saw pure hatred.

He raised his hand and slapped my cheek, my hand flying towards my cheek as I felt the stinging sensation run through the face, my eyes watered and I ran to my room and slammed the door shut, I pulled my phone out and called Ashton, "Katie? What's wrong?" Ashton's worried voice spoke softly, "He hit me ash" I said quietly, "He what?" Ashton said, "He slapped me ash" I cried, "I'll be right over, leave your window open" he said as he hung up and I went and opened the window, quickly changing into pyjamas and climbing into my bed, waiting for Ashton to come and wrap me in his arms.

"Katie?" Ashton called, "Im in bed" I said, I saw Ashton's body standing next to the bed, "Move over then" he whispered, I shifted over on the bed, waiting for his arms to be around my waist, "Where did he hit you?" Ashton whispered, "My cheek" I whispered back, "Come here babe" he said, pulling me closer than I already was, he stroked my cheek, "It'll be okay" he soothed as I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

Damn this game was going to be hard.

Falling for Ashton was going to be harder than I thought, my feelings for him were all ready strong.

He made it so hard not to fall in love with him, he was just so loveable, caring and sweet.

I woke up alone in my bed, I wonder where Ashton went, maybe he left during the night.

I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Ashton.

From ash<3: sorry I left during the night but your dad could have came in and I didn't want to risk it haha! ill pick you up at 8 xo

I smiled as I sat up, my left eye and cheek was still sore, I checked the time 7:30, I quickly got up and changed into my uniform, brushing my hair and straightening it before going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth and washing my face, my cheek wasn't that bad looking, just a little red, which was easily covered up by my makeup, I also covered my hickey that was on show, I chuckled at how big it turned out.

I went back to my room and put my makeup bag into my school bag, before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs, seeing my dad lying on the sofa with beer bottles spread around the sitting room, I sighed as I made my way outside to see Ashton waiting for me, "You're late, it's five minutes past eight" Ashton commented, I chuckled, "Oh I'm so sorry, we're going to be a whole five minutes late to go get breakfast" I said giggling, "Well you never know, we could get stuck in traffic or something" Ashton said, "It doesn't matter, we have math first anyway" I said.

We pulled up at the small cafe we went to every morning, "Just the usual?" Ashton asked, "Yeah" I said as I went to our usual booth while Ashton ordered our food, returning a few minutes later with our cups of coffee, "Sharelle is bringing it out in five minutes" Ashton said, "Okay" I said smiling at him as we made small talk.

"Here you two go" Sharelle said as he sat our usual food down, "Thanks Sharelle" we both said as we started eating, "Sharelle is literally the best at cooking eggs ever" I commented, "I know! She is literally the best person ever" Ashton said, a pang of jealousy ran through me, but I smiled, "Except you of course" he added, I giggled, "Obviously" I said as he giggled.

His laugh alone could make someone fall in love with him.

This was going to be way harder than I thought, it had been not even 24 hours and I was finding it difficult.

"Come on babe" Ashton said, I loved when he called me babe, he did it all the time, as has done so since we were about 16, it was so cute, "Coming" I said smiling as he took my hand and we walked out to his car where he drove us to school.

"Katie and Ashton I don't want to have to speak to you two this period, got it?" me Simpson said, "Uh, sure" I said, "Yeah" Ashton said, "Good" he said as he began teaching his lesson, Ashton and I obviously talking and laughing all the way through it.

"You're staying over at my house tonight" Ashton spoke as we sat in his car, driving towards his house, "Yeah, I'm just going to text my dad and tell him" I said, "Okay" he said as he put his hand on my thigh, I pulled my phone out and text my dad.

To dad: I'm staying at Ashton's, don't call me when you're drunk!

He text back immediately.

From dad: what are you going to do about it slut?

To dad: go to the cops and tell then that you hit me

From dad: they won't believe you whore

To dad: I have all the texts you've ever sent me on my phone, my cheek is bright red with finger prints, I think they will believe me

From dad: you wouldn't dare

To dad: oh yeah? is that what you think?

From dad: come pick your stuff up from my house slut, I don't want you to live here, go live at Ashton's you whore

I felt tears in my eyes, "Ash, can you take me to my house to pick my things up?" I asked, "What? What's happened?" Ashton asked as he did a u-turn, "My dad kicked me out because I threatened to go to the police and tell them what he done" I said, "Oh, that's terrible! You can stay at mine for as long as you want" Ashton said, "Thank you ash" I said smiling as we pulled up at my house.

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