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Katie's pov

"Ashton, Katie, time to get up" Anne Marie said as she opened the room door, I yawned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Morning Katie" Anne Marie smiled at me, "Morning" I said back, "Wake him up, will you?" she asked, "Yeah sure" I said as she left the room to go wake up Lauren and Harry.

"Ashton get up" I said, shaking him repeatedly until he opened his eyes and looked up at me, "Morning Katie" he said through a yawn, "Morning ashy" I said smiling down at him.

"I am so tired" Ashton whined as he rolled over so he was lying across my lap, "Same" I said as I lay back down on the bed, Ashton moved his head on to my stomach and turned to face me, "We have math today" Ashton stated, "I know, math first and then I have English and I sit next to Calum" I said sighing, "I swear to god if he tried anything on you I will not hesitate to kick his ass during school" Ashton said in a protective manner, I smiled at him as he leaned up and kissed me lightly.

"Dibs on using the bathroom first" I said as I pulled back, "No fair, you cheated" Ashton said pouting, "How did I cheat?" I asked laughing, "You distracted me" he argued, "You kissed me first" I defended, he groaned and pouted causing me to giggle ever more and then kiss him quickly before walking to the wardrobe where my uniform was hung up, I grabbed the clothes and then underwear before walking to the bathroom.

I changed into my uniform, brushed my teeth, washed my face, done my makeup and then brushed my straight hair before leaving to go to the bedroom where Ashton was sitting on his bed shirtless and on his phone.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" I asked, "I am" he said, "You don't have a shirt on Ashton" I said, "Oh yeah, I forgot" he said giggling as he stood up and went the grab his white button up shirt, putting it on and buttoning the buttons.

He put on his tie and then grabbed his phone, then we made our way down to the kitchen where Anne Marie, Lauren and Harry were sat at the dining table eating toast or cereal.

"Morning" Ashton and I said simultaneously, "Morning" Lauren and Anne Marie said, "Good morning" Harry said smiling widely, I giggled as I grabbed my school bag.

"Bye guys" Ashton said hugging them all, I smiled at them and said "Bye" before we left to go get breakfast before going to school.

"Oh look who it is" Ashton said as we were approached by Calum, Michael, Luke and Erin, "What's wrong mate?" Michael asked, "Him" Ashton said, sending a glare in Calum's direction, "What did he do?" Luke asked, deciding to join in, "He kissed Katie, twice" Ashton said, putting emphasis on the 'twice' part of the sentence, "Well Katie must have put something into his mind to make him think she wanted him to kiss her again" Luke said, "No I didn't, we kissed on Friday night when we were really drunk but I told Ashton about that, and then on Saturday before we left your house he kissed me again after I told him to forget about it" I stated, getting mad at Luke for even thinking I wanted to kiss Calum.

"Calm down Katie, I was just suggesting something because I don't think Calum is like that" Luke said, "And you think I am?" I asked, "Ive known Ashton since I was like seven, I wouldn't intentionally hurt him like that" I stated, "Yeah? Well you seemed eager to kiss me on Friday night" Calum butted in, "Fuck you Calum" I said before marching off towards my locker.

"Katie, are you okay?" Ashton said from behind me, "Yeah ash, I'm fine" I said smiling at him, "Just ignore Luke and Calum babe" he said smiling at me, I nodded, "Im so sorry about Friday Ashton" I said, "I know you are Katie" he said, "I didn't mean to hurt you, and don't say it hasn't hurt you 'cause I know it has, and I'm sorry" I said, he chuckled, "It's okay Katie, I forgive you" he said, "Then why can't I forgive myself?" I asked, "Because you're better than that Katie, and you feel bad about it, even though you shouldn't, because we're not actually together" he said as we began walking to math, "But we're still not supposed to go around and kiss other people, I just feel so terrible" I said, "Just forget about it Katie, that's what I'm trying to do" he said, I nodded as we got to our class just before the bell rang.

We took our seats and watched as students began filling the class, waiting for Mr Simpson to begin teaching.

"So I was thinking tonight we should go to the cinema or something" Ashton suggested, "Yeah sure" I said smiling, "Okay, so I don't have to tell you i'll pick you up 'cause you live with me" he said giggling, obviously finding himself funny.

"Ashton and Katie, I'm moving the both of you" Mr Simpson said as he began looking around the class, "Katie go swap seats with Amy and Ashton go swap with Jonathan" he ordered, "We're sorry sir, we'll be quiet, we promise" we pleaded, he shook his head, "Im sick and tired of the two of you disrupting my lesson all the time" he said, we both sighed as we laughed at each other before going to our seats which were on the total opposite side of the class.

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