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Katie's pov

"So boys, this is Katie, Katie this is Luke, Calum and Michael" Ashton introduced me to the boys in his newly formed band, "Hi, it's nice to meet you all" I said smiling, "Yeah you too" Calum said smiling at me, "What do you have first?" I asked Ashton, "Geography, what do you have?" Ashton asked as he turned to face me, "Double English" I said, "That's bad" Ashton said, "No it's not, I like English 'cause Mr Thomson is actually a really good teacher" I said, "Oh you have him as your teacher?" he asked, "Yeah" I said, "Isn't he the new teacher who is like 24 or something?" Michael butted in, "Yeah and he's really good looking" I said laughing.

"Not as good looking as me obviously" Ashton commented, I giggled, "Of course ash" I said, "Are any of you heading in the English direction?" I asked the other three, knowing fine well Ashton was on the other side of the school from me and the bell was about to go, "I am actually, I have English too" Calum said, "Are you in my class?" I asked, "Im not sure, Mr Wood told me I was getting moved class, so maybe" he said, "Bye boys, it was nice meeting you" I said to Michael and Luke, "Bye Katie" they both said.

"Bye ash" I said smiling, "Bye Katie, see you in math" Ashton said as he kissed my lips lightly, "Bye again" I said waving to the three boys as Calum and I headed towards English.

"What's going on between you and Ashton?" Calum asked, "I, uh, I don't actually know, I guess we're dating" I said, "Oh, thats good" he said as I got to my class, "This is my class" I said, "Okay, bye Katie, it was nice seeing you, i'll maybe see you in a few minutes if I get moved into your class" he said, I chuckled as I headed into my class, being the only one here except mr Thomson was quite awkward.

"Hello Katie" Mr Thomson said to me, "Hi" I said smiling at him, "How are you this morning?" he asked, "Alright I guess" I answered, this couldn't have been more awkward, finally the bell went and people started filing into the class.

No one sat next to me, so thankfully, I was sitting in the back corner alone, I pulled my phone out and I had a text from Ashton.

From ash<3: you are a bitch Katie, how could you do that to me?

My eyes widened, what have I done?

I quickly replied.

To ash<3: what the fuck have I done ash?

From ash<3: you know what you've done Katie.

I decided to ignore him and I looked up and saw mr Thomson was staring at me, "Katie put your phone away. Okay everyone we have a new pupil joining our class, he's not a new pupil but he's new in this class" mr Thomson said, he must be talking about Calum.

"Everyone this is Calum, Calum go sit wherever there is an empty seat" mr Thomson said, Calum searched the class and I saw him and waved for him to come sit next to me, which he did, "Hey Katie" he said, "Hello Calum, can I ask you something? Like I know I met you like a half hour ago but do you know what Ashton meant when he text me calling me a bitch and asking how I could do that to him?" I asked, "I don't have a clue what you're talking about Katie, sorry" he apologised, "Its fine" I said.

"I just want to know what Ive done to him" I said, "Maybe he just overheard someone making something up about you or something" Calum suggested, "I guess I'll find out after this double period 'cause I have math with him" I said, "Text me when you find out" he said, "That will be hard" I said, "How so?" he asked, "I don't have your number" I said giggling, "Oh yeah!" he said handing me his phone to our my number in, while I handed him mine.

"Calum and Katie pay attention please" mr Thomson scolded, "Sorry" we both apologised.

The double period flew by and before I knew it I was bidding Calum good bye, we both bonded in the hour and a half we had double English, we grew closer, and I was making my way to math.

I sat in my seat next to Ashton, "Care to explain what you meant on that text? And don't ever call me a bitch again Ashton" I stated, "Don't act all innocent Katie, I saw you flirting with Calum, you're totally trying to make me jealous" Ashton spoke, "What? I wasn't flirting with Calum and I wasn't trying to make you jealous" I stated, "It doesn't look that way" he said, "I knew this was a bad idea, this stupid game of yours is coming between us" I said turning to face away from Ashton.

"A full period and I didn't have to yell at Ashton and Katie, am I dreaming?" Mr Simpson said, "Or are you two not speaking?" he added, "Something like that" I said, "Well you better move past whatever it is because you're partners for your project" he said to us, "Everyone listen up!" Mr Simpson said, "I have paired everyone up, you will have an assignment to do, which is in your folders that I gave you all" he spoke as he went around everyone and told them their partner.

"Look Katie I don't want this to come between us, I thought it would be a fun challenge for us" Ashton said, turning to face me, "I know ash, I just don't want to be called a bitch for no reason other than the fact you thought I was flirting with someone and trying to make you jealous, when I wasn't" I said, "Im sorry for calling you a bitch" he apologised, "And I'm sorry for making you think I was flirting with Calum" I apologised, "So we're okay now?" he asked, "Yeah I guess so" I said giggling.

"You are something else Katie" Ashton commented while giggling, "I know, but you love me" I said, not realising I let the words slip out, "You know, like a friend and that" I said, trying to cover what I said, "Its fine Katie, I know what you meant" he said, I sighed and nodded as we read through the assignment we were tasked to do.

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