Chapter 1

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Hello everyone thanks so much for reading! I promise the next stories are a lot better than this one, but read it too anyways? I'm also reeeally happy about feedback too!!

"Dean,where are you taking me?", Cas asked, sitting on the passenger seat of the Impala.

"Just be patient",Dean said, a hint annoyance noticeable under his slight smile. "Just a few more minutes."

Cas looked out of the window. He really had no idea where Dean was driving him. There was literally nothing but the road around. And why couldn't he bring them there, it would have been a lot faster.

But his mouth fell open when it became visible in front of him. The ocean. Dean looked at him smiling, before he stoped the Impala on a small parking lot just in front of the beach.

"I dunno, I thought you'd like it. When Sammy and I were young our dad drove here with us 'couple of times, it was real nice.", Dean explained himself.

Cas loved to imagine little Sam and Dean building sandcastles away from the terror they grew up with.

"Let's go swimming!", he excitedly looked over to Dean.

"Cas, no! It's fucking cold, why don't we just take a walk?"

Well, Dean was right, the weather wasn't exactly great, but the former angel didn't seem to care.

"Oh come on, Dean, please!", Cas already started pulling his sweater over his head to get undressed.

"Goddamnit, alright", Dean muttered, unwilling to admit that Cas' excitement had caught him, too.

Minutes later, only wearing their underwear, the two walked into the wild waves. Dean started to regret. He was freezing, but he'd never admit that.

Cas,  being further into the water, turned around, looking for his boyfriend. He was now chest-deep, the waves almost hitting him off his feet. His face, still excited and full of joy, already made Dean feel a little better.

Suddenly, Dean felt his angels arms around his waist.

"Thank you for taking me here, I really enjoy this.", Cas smiled, his face only inches from Deans.

Okay, maybe this wasn't so bad after all, Dean thought, while planting his lips softy against Cas'.

He had no idea how long that kiss had lasted when he finally pulled away from Cas.

"Can we, please get back to the car?? I think my nuts are blue already. ",  Dean sarcastically mumbled.

"I think I understand that reference. ", giggled Cas, letting go of Dean, only holding to his hand.

Back at the car, Dean pulled a blanket out of the back and put it around Cas in a caring way.

Having gotten back into their clothes, more or less at least, Dean and Cas got back into the Impala, willing to drive back to their motel and to Sam.

Cas scooped over , sitting as close to Dean as possible while he drove. Dean couldn't get around noticing how adorable Cas was at that moment, wrapped into that blanket with his hair still wet.

"This was fun,Dean", mumbled tired Cas, putting his head on Deans shoulder. "Let's do that again sometime. "

"Sure",Dean chuckled, kissing the head of the angel. "But maybe we could wait for summer"


Ahhhh this was so much fun to write, even though it didn't exactly plan it to end like this. But what do you think? please gimme feedback? I'm also eternally thankful for votes !!

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