Chapter 1

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The sounds of gun shots fill the room, echoing off the walls and back into their ears as they fight to survive, shooting anyone in their way.

"Behind you Jeongguk!" Taehyung yells as the younger shot the person. His body drops to the floor unmoving. "Yes! Thanks hyung. You really saved my life back there."

Taehyung doesn't reply, too focused on not losing. Jeongguk dodges the hits thrown at him, trying to calculate how many are left. "Five are left! I take three you take two!" Jeongguk yells, going head first into the squabble. He shoots one down straight away, barely dodging the bullet out of one of the man's guns. He takes down another one, "Woop woop!" He praises himself all too soon.

Taehyung turns around, his eyes widening at the scene playing out in front of him. "Jeongguk watch out!-" He was too late. The last man's bullet lodged through his back, into his heart killing him instantly. "No Jeongguk!" He says angrily. "Look what you've done! How could we ever finish the boss if you die so quickly?!" His angry yelling drowned out the music of his death on the television.

"Well I'm sorry," he emphasised. "You aren't the one who took on three people instead of two!" He drops the controller on the ground, his two hands up as if he was held at gun point.

"You wanted to have three!" Taehyung also drops his sweaty controller, gesturing at Jeongguk in blame.

"You could have shot him for me!" He pushes the blame back.

"I didn't have enough time!" He counteracts.

"You d-" Jeongguk's voice gets interrupted from a loud Seokjin downstairs. "Stop fighting over a stupid game! Get down here and eat the dinner I put my heart and soul into for you brats!"

"We aren't brats!" They yell at the same time, getting up anyways to eat. They would never skip out on a free meal, ever, even in a life or death situation. With the word food, it's only natural everyone else in the house runs to get food. It was a life or death situation if you tried to get food in that house. You get in and get out.

This is what happened in the Bangtan house, eating and messing around. The same situation could not be the case of happening for a Min Yoongi.

The sounds of gun shots fill the room, echoing off the walls and back into his ears as he fights to survive, shooting anyone in his way.

The sound of a gun reloading gave the behind Yoongi away. Spinning around, he shot the man in the head. His body slumped to the ground, unmoving as blood seeped from the man's head. When you didn't have someone to rely on, your senses become your best friend. Quickly calculating five opponents left, and only three bullets left, he shoots three down.

Discarding the useless scrap swiftly, and runs around the group, pulling two daggers out of their hiding places. He runs towards one of the men. Just as he was about to bring his gun up, he blocks it, and kicks it out of his hand. The gun slides a few feet away as Yoongi stabs the knife into the man's jugular before he could react.

He disregards the dying man and runs towards the man but he was too slow. "Don't move!" The man shoves the gun up and towards Yoongi. He stops, putting his hands in the air. The man smirks, "Boss is gonna be so proud of me, I caught B.L.A! He might even give me a raise!" His eyes wander, thinking about his reward.

This was the only chance Yoongi needed, he still had two weapons in his hands. I throws one towards the man's head, hitting it dead centre. The man moves quickly, stabbing the man in the heart with his other knife. The old man groans in pain before falling to the ground.

He picks up the two guns from the last two men, checking the ammo before moving away from the room full of dead bodies. "Tsk,tsk. Old geezers, couldn't even tell me where the big man is." He walks across the big, open room occasionally stepping on a man, trying not to get his shoes red by the blood stained carpet.

He travels up the big stairs and around a few corners before opening a big wooden door. "I've been waiting for you." A voice from the chair announces its presence. The man starts to turn around in his chair facing the boy. "Now, I presum-" a gun shot echos in the empty room. The man on the chair slumping over. Dead.

"I've heard it all before. Something about an alliance, blah blah blah, compensation. Betrayal. You could have at least had a body guard or something in here." He mumbled to himself as He goes towards the man, picking out the key from his pocket.

This is the difference between Yoongi's and everyone else's world. He succeeds.

He pulls out a phone from his pocket, it's a wonder to him how it stays there with all the flips and fighting. He takes a picture of the key, sending the photo to the only contact on the disposable phone named 'unknown'.

He chucks the phone on the ground after receiving a 'yes'. He smashes the phone with the bottom of his shoe. Putting it in a baggy afterwards to dispose of it somewhere far away. Yoongi stares at the security camera footage on all of the televisions. He stops the cameras and deletes the footage before leaving the room.

Walking back over the fifty or so rotting people, he walks out the front door of the mansion, grabbing his duffel bag on the way out. "Aish, I got blood in my hair." Yoongi says annoyed at the thought of trying to wash out the blood for days. He pulls a cap out of his bag, harshly pulling it on his head as walks into the night. He navigates his way to his car with his other phone's flashlight. He looks at his car weirdly before crouching down to look at the tires. Slashes are clearly shown on all of the tires. "Can nothing go right for me?!" He threw his hands up in the air.

"Do I have to walk home now?" He says to himself. He can't walk home, he is in the middle of nowhere. He kicks the car tire in anger, jumping around and clutching his foot when pain shot through his toes. "Stupid converse, stupid car, stupid people." He mumbles as he starts walking down the long driveway.

Only half an hour of walking on the side of the road passes when a car pulls over for him. The old lady rolls down the window looking at the boy in concern. "What are you doing out here son? Come in, come in!" She opens the door and he climbs in. "Thanks." He says to her. "It's okay, where are you heading? Home hopefully." She questions. The boy nods in answer as he speaks. "Yeah, home. It's just down this road for half an hour. We should arrive at the station." He explains to her. She smile at the boy as she starts driving back down the road again.

He thanks her as he steps out into the cold, shutting the door as she drives off. Yoongi walks past the station and to the old apartment buildings beside it. He climbs up the flight of rusty, paint chipped stairs before going to room 18 and knocking on the door in a specific pattern. The door pulls open abruptly as an old bubbly man greets him, his thick accent pouring through his every word. "Aye! How are ye Ace! Did you have a swell drive?!" He ushers Yoongi through the door as he closes it behind him.

"No actually, Eddie. I didn't.The bloody bozos slashes my tires and I had to drive in a car with a granny." He says bluntly. The man had taken care of Yoongi since he was five, and the only person that had stayed close to him, and now they live together. "Well there is no time to worry about that now!" He brushes the boys complaints off, receiving an eye roll in return. "The game is on!" He exclaims excitedly.
"I swear you are a child." He mutters to himself, before heading to his room. He showers and changes into night clothes, reminding himself to get red hair dye before dozing off to sleep. Forgetting about today's events as if he hadn't just killed over 60 people an hour ago, including a mafia boss. Do you know why? Because he has done it before, multiple times. He is the B.L.A., that's his job.

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