Chapter 9

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"He hasn't been at school for almost three weeks!"

"We need to check on him, I'm worried. What if something happened?"

"We don't even know where he lives! It's not like we can just go to his place either. He might not even be there."

"That's not helping."

"Well I'm just stating the facts." Namjoon puts his hands up in surrender to Seokjin, not trying to start anything. Seokjin just rolls his eyes at the younger focusing his attention back on the group. 'How can we access Yoongi's address? Or phone number even?' Seokjin was deep in thought when Jeongguk snaps his fingers, putting his hand in the air as his face lights up. "My Mom's office! We can just sneak in their when she goes out!"

Jimin looks at Jeongguk sceptically, "And when is she gonna leave exactly? We also need a big enough time gap to go through the files." Taehyung stares at Jimin, disbelief covers his features as one of his eyebrows lift up. "Did you not just hear the speaker go off about a staff meeting with the principle at second lunch?" Namjoon nods his head slowly, the idea rolling around his head a few times as he comes to a conclusion. "I think that's the plan we can come up with on the spot."

By the time second lunch came around they had already gathered at the office, Jeongguk's Mom had just left the premises. Namjoon looks at the group, "Go, go!" He whispers, commanding them. "Now." They enter the room, as Hoseok is about to enter, Namjoon stops him. "We need a look out." Hoseok sighs but nods anyways, leaning his back against the wall outside. As silent as ninjas, they roam about the headmasters office. Taehyung reaches the still open laptop first, "She didn't even log out, score!" He whispers in joy, his fingers working their magic, looking through every computer file he can. Jimin calls over Namjoon and Seokjin, finding files and documents in a draw. "I think these have information." Namjoon nods as they start to go through the files as quickly as they can. Jeongguk goes towards Taehyung, looking through the computer files with them.

It's quiet for a few minutes, everyone digs through files as Hoseok looks out. Namjoon's eyes find a file, the boys name on there as he whispers in victory. Hoseok's eyes catch a tall woman, her high heels clicking on the ground as she converses with another colleague. The headmaster! "Shit, shit shit." He opens the door, whisper yelling at the snoops. "She's coming back! Get out!" Namjoon shakes his head, "distract her we are almost done!"

"There, Stop!" Jeongguk whisper shouts, pointing to a file named 'Yoongi.' Taehyung nods opening the file as quick as he can, scrolling through the almost empty file. "What? There is basically nothing here!" Taehyung voices Jeongguk's thoughts. Hoseok runs up to the two ladies, greeting them with a forced smile. "Hey Mrs Jeon! Just the person I wanted to see! Hey have you herd about the new food in the cafeteria? I personally think it's..."

Taehyung scrolls down the empty page, finding a single phone number. "Write that down!" Jeongguk grabs a random piece of paper and a pen from the mug on the table, quickly scribbling the number down messily. They close down the page quickly, putting the laptop as it was before rushing over to the door. "Let's go guys we got the number!" They put the files away, shutting the draw as they gather at the door.

Hoseok runs behind the two ladies, making them turn towards him as he rambles on. "I really think the school doesn't have enough bully posters, I mean the only two hundred we have posted already isn't barely enough to get rid of the bullies." The boys slowly open the door, Jimin's eyes landing on the trio before quietly ushering everyone out. Mrs Jeon just stares at the boy weirdly. "Maybe we should talk about this in my office, if this means so much to you. It's just here." She almost turns around but Hoseok yells. "No!" She jumps in fright.

"I mean, we can do it here! You and me! Together having.... babies!" Her face contorts in anger as the lady behind her stares at Hoseok in shock and horror. "Excuse me young man. I don't think that is appropriate. I will have a word with your parents about this..." punishments roll out her mouth as the boys successfully close the door and scurry off. Hoseok sighs in relief, "Yes!" Mrs Jeon's anger bubbles over. "Jung Hoseok!" He jumps in fright staring back at the woman. He is in so much trouble.

Blood pours from Yoongi's mouth, pooling on his ripped jeans. His bruised and bloodied head faced down towards his legs as his eyes are stiffly closed, arms cuffed to the arms of the chair as his legs are strapped the same. The metallic taste in his mouth a constant reminder of the betrayal. This is just one of the many reason he doesn't partner up. Ever. The heavy door creaks open, Yoongi's head lifts up towards the noise, his eyes hurting not just from the blinding light focused on him. The man walks over towards the table in the corner, playing with one of the many weapons on the table.

"I see you've waken up." The man turns around, his thick British accent rolling out in waves. "Fuck you, fuck your family and fuck your son." The man smirks shaking his head. "Ah-ah-ahh. No swearing, do want another punishment?" He tuts. "Give me all you fucking got motherfucker. I've had worse." Yoongi spits at the red head, the man that he was supposed to assassinate. Alexander McCoffin. His fucking son, also known as Marcus Fortier, Yoongi's so called partner in the mission. Alexander grabs a cloth from the table and the hose beside it on the ground.

He walks towards me slowly, I rack up the most spit I could out of my dehydrated body and spit it into his eye. He wipes it off, a disgusted look in his eyes before forcing the cloth over my mouth and turning the water on. It sprays down harshly, making me choke and suffocate at the same time. I struggle fruitlessly for minutes that felt like hours, the deep gashes in my body not acting kindly toward the movement. He finally removes the torture device as I fall forward, coughing up everything in my stomach. Blood, bile and water all escape my mouth piling on the floor in front of me. My coughing fit ends as I look back up venomously.

"Prick." My hoarse voice barely above a whisper. My head sways side to side he he drops the two items and grabs a scalpel. He drives it into my stomach as I groan in pain. He keeps stabbing me freely, my consciousness going in and out. "I think that's enough.. For now." He messily cleans the wounds with the familiar bloody cloth as his son enters. "Not so strong now, are we." I ignore the dick easily, focusing on the pain in my stomach. Suddenly a snack bar is shoved in my mouth. I chew it slowly, the dryness not helping me swallow it down. They both leave the room soon after, talking about the next planned robbery.

My eyes drop again struggling to stay awake. "Wake up you fuck, now is your chance." I didn't provoke the older red head for no reason.

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