Chapter 14

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I spit in the sink, washing it down with water as I put my toothbrush back in it's cup. I discreetly smelling my breath with my hand over my mouth and breathing in through my nose, concluding my breath now smells good.  Today felt like a lazy day, but I know I can't do that.

Sighing, I study myself in the mirror. I had put Jimin's clothes back on after a shower yesterday. I'm still wearing them. They're warm. I slip the hoodie off myself, something that doesn't feel so foreign anymore, and get up close to the old mirror. I have large bags under my eyes, a few pimples, toothpaste in the corner of my mouth. I wipe that off as I sigh again. I look back towards my bed longingly, knowing I won't be able to be there for a day or two.

I slip off my clothes as I walk back to my cupboard. I need to wear new ones so I can put them in the laundry and wear them tomorrow. I slip on an old pair of jeans and a large hoodie, almost as big as Jimin's. Opening up the draw to my shoes, to my surprise I find my school phone. "Thank god you left it here and just took your burner phone Yoongi." I praise myself a so slip the phone into my pocket a so take out a pair of black sneakers.

The door creaks open as I tie my sneakers. The ginger man has finally woken up. "What are ye doin' in the we hours? It's bloody four in the nighttime!" He says groggily as he rubs his eyes. "It's not like you've ever gotten up at this time besides, it's only an hour before you get up anyways." I roll my eyes as I stand up, my clothes from yesterday in my hands. "Doesn't mean it's not too early to be makin' noise." He grumbles our the door.

I follow him, making a detour to put my clothes in the washing machine. "Go back to bed then you oaf." I say down the corridor. "I'm leaving now. Be back soon. Maybe." I head out the door, closing it behind me as I carefully get down the stairs. My body does not want to cooperate today.

"The stupid wimp. I know he had some battle scars. Wish he'd talk to me. His wounds will open up if he's not careful." I grumble, pushing ginger hair out of my face as I go back to bed.

Getting out of the train, I trail back to where I dumped my clothes into the trash can. I find the old bloodied clothes. The bins really don't get emptied that often do they. Sweeping through all the pockets to no avail. I groan in pain and anger. Did McCoffin take my bloody phone when I was betrayed? Or did he take it out of the bin? Who cares I just need to find that motherfucker.

I pick my phone out of my pocket, getting ready to call someone when an unfamiliar missed call catches my attention. I press the missed call and bring it to my ear. It rings twice before a voice answers on the other side.


"How did you find my number, who are you?"

"O-oh it's you Yoongi! We actually tried to call you before you, what happened in the jewellery store. Oh, it's Jeongguk by the way." Excited voices ring in the background, I can barely make out Jeongguk's.

"Put it on speaker!""okay, okay just shut up."

"Delete my number, don't talk to me. At all. I thought we discussed this."

"Oh come on don't be like that! We went all the way to get your number! We even snuck into the-" the line ends as I type in a familiar number waiting for it to ring. Scanning my surroundings for the jewellery shop I was trapped in to find police tape around the familiar building. "Fuck I was too late.". My strides become longer and angrier as I head back towards the train station.

"Hello this is Raymond."

"I didn't fucking runaway dickhead. Although I should have."

"Why aren't you using your burner phone? I was just texting you-"

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