Chapter 6

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Yoongi follows Jeongguk out of the school grounds, ignoring the stares and whispers at much as possible. He figured Jeongguk had been stared at a lot before and gotten used to it. Jeongguk looks down at the boy next to him, "I usually take the car with my friends, but since there isn't enough seats we can take the bus or get a taxi." Yoongi responses with taking the bus as they go towards a car. The shorter looks at the other in confusion, "I thought we were taking the bus." He nods before speaking, "I just have to tell them first, of and we kinda all live at the same house so..." he trails off.

Yoongi suppresses a groan as they head towards the black, six seater. The doors were open, a few boys sitting on and in the car. One of them looks up, a flash of surprise on his face as he recognises the shirt boy. "Yoongi?" Hoseok asks in surprise. "Stalker." Yoongi mumbles, much to Jeongguk's amusement. "Yeah, he is coming home for a group project, we are taking the bus, I came here to tell you not to wait for me." Seokjin walks around the side of the car, hearing Yoongi's name. Yoongi looks at him in surprise, he's with them? He looks too old to go to school.

"Hoseok, Namjoon go on the bus, Yoongi and Jeongguk, you guys can go in the car." He says, Namjoon jumps up, looking at Seokjin in annoyance. "Why do we have to go on the bus? Can't Taehyung or Jimin when they get here?" He whines as Hoseok nods. He just shakes his head, "You have to go because your nice, Hoseok goes because he can keep you company, now shoo, before you miss the bus." He makes shooing gestures with his hands as they groan and grab their bags, walking off. Yoongi doesn't feel guilty, he's just glad not so many people are going to be in the crowded car.

Seokjin waves him over, "Hey, we meet again." He smiles at Yoongi. He just nods, throwing his bag in the back, planning on not sitting in the middle. He hasn't been so close to anyone in years, that wasn't Eddie of course, he'd probably get so stressed he'd kill everyone in fear of them killing him. He knew it wasn't going to happen but he can't help it.

Jimin and Taehyung walk, over there eyes wondering around the car in confusion. "Where's Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung?" Jimin asks in confusion. The two are usually the latest so they were confused why they weren't here. Taehyung's eyes find a small Yoongi sitting in the car. "Yoongi?" He asks, thinking his eyes may be betraying him. "They took the bus because Yoongi is coming home with us." Seokjin answers, sending them a look saying, 'Don't mess with him.' They nod silently as they and the rest pack into the car.

This is so not a good idea, I should have just done the project myself and give Jeongguk a script or something. That would have been much better than staying in the cringe-filled car. "So, Yoongi.." a short boy trails off, he was sitting next to me in the middle, way too crowded for me. "I don't even know your name." I mumble, trying to push myself in the car door as much as I can. "Oh!" He says loudly, making me wince. "We haven't done introductions! Well, I am Park Jimin, you can call me sexy~" he winks at me. The attention brings a slight blush to my face as Jeongguk slaps his arm. Blushing? What has come over me?

"Don't flirt!" Seokjin says from the front, turning down the street. "Anyways, I'm Taehyung! Call me Tae-hyung! Get it? Because I'm your hyung?" I nod at the weird boy, maybe he has something going on up there? Or he was dropped on the head? Who knows. "You already know who we are." Jeongguk gestures to himself and Seokjin. "The other two who went on the bus are Namjoon and Hoseok." I figured that out already, but I nod anyways.

"You're not much of a talker are you?" Jimin says, one eyebrow raise as he look me up and down. No shit. "Stop interrogating him." Seokjin scolds again. "We don't want to scare him away." He hisses out quietly even though I can still hear it. I think I might do a runner when we stop, being here is scarier than being in the line of fire. We drive for another ten minutes until we reach their house. Much better than mine.

I stare at the house in disbelief, I mean I've seen my fair share of good houses, but teenagers having a mansion? I look over at them suspiciously, are they really who they say they are? Actually, who are they? They haven't said anything about their family or background. Are they brothers? Do they have different mothers but same fathers? Are they apart of a gang? Do I need to kill them?- "What's wrong?" Jeongguk waves his hand in front of my face, I jump back in surprise at the closeness.

"Who are you people?" I say suspiciously. An over dramatic gasp comes from behind Jeongguk. Taehyung wraps his arm around Jeongguk's shoulder, going for me but I step back in time. He frowns but speaks anyways, "Haven't you heard of us?" He says dramatically, placing a hand on his chest in mock disbelief. "We, are Bangtan." He says in a duh tone like it's supposed to mean something. I say nothing as I look at them confused. What is Bangtan?

He looks at me in real disbelief. "You know, the famous idol group?" I just shake my head. "Really? You don't know who we are? Have you been living underneath a rock?" He says rather rudely. I'm about to punch him in the face but he walks away. Jeongguk shakes his head, "Sorry about him, he is usually quiet and emotionless with new people. I don't know what's up with him today."

"Who or what is Bangtan about?" I ask as I follow him towards the front door of the mansion. He looks at me before opening the front door. "Bangtan's full name is Bangtan Sonyeondan or BTS for short. It's an idol group, we are the six idols that make up the group." He explains before adding, "We are pretty famous, I'm surprised you didn't know about us." So that's why everyone has been fawning over them. I don't answer as I slip my shoes off at the front door and follow him to wherever he is going.

"Let's grab some food first before we start the project, I'm really hungry." He half whines as he practically skips to what I assume is the kitchen. "Stop right there!" A voice screeches as the skipping boy halts, turning around slowly to an angry Seokjin. "You know not to go in the kitchen, I will make food." He demands as the boy walks out and towards me, sulking. "I'm sorry we'll have to wait a while before eating. I'm not allowed in the kitchen."

"What did you do?" I ask. "I made glazed sweet potatoes." What's bad about that? "And, they kind of stuck to the plate, I couldn't get them off. Actually no one could so we had to chuck the food out, with the plate. The plate was one of Seokjin's favourites." He says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. He leads me to the couch, just as we are sitting down the door opens to sulking Namjoon and Hoseok who throw their bags down and move to the couch.


A/N: hey guys, I know it's been a week since I've updated, I have serious writers block and don't have the motivation to write more of this chapter. I hope I can update soon though... thank you for waiting!

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