Chapter 27

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A/N: y'all probably gonna be sad

His eyes twinkle in fear. The swarm of bees I saw the day I was aiding him no where near the Tsunami of wasps crashing and building in his dark eyes. "I never should have let my hood fall." He says regretfully before jumping out into the line of fire. "Yoongi!" Seokjin screams, getting up to chase after him before he is pulled back harshly by Namjoon.

We crouch with our tails between our legs, useless to Yoongi while gunshots ring out in the building. Jeongguk hiccups and gags at the same time, almost puking at the thought of dead bodies littering the floor like decor. Kids not even over the age of eighteen sit in silence. What the fuck are they doing here? Half of them are crying into each other's shoulders, guns hanging off their hips. A few adults in the back are visibly shaking while they stand staring at the door Yoongi had just left.

"What the fuck are you doing? You should be out there helping him, you are a fucking adult and he isn't even seven-" Jimin's hand slap over my mouth, yanking me back down. "Shut up Taehyung, you are not making it any better." I look back at the old men, who are looking away in shame.

The door opens slowly, we sit stalk still, not daring to move or even breathe. A familiar head peaks through the door. "There you are. Let's get going."


"Yes, it's me now shut up and follow me quietly. Adults stay in the back." He looks at them disappointedly before leaving and we follow. "Who told us you were here?"

"Yoongi. We have to get out quickly. Not much time left."

I let out a breathe of relief before questioning again, "What about-"

"Shut up will ya?"

The familiar sentence makes me listen, treading past the endless piles of unmoving bodies. There were about twenty of us in total, silently tiptoeing through the hallways as quick as we could. A faint buzz of noise in the distance makes us stop in our tracks. The sound becoming dangerously louder by the second until it was too late. Beomgyu pulls out his gun as he gets a head start on ten men in suits. Three of them go down as the rest get to the sides, taking cover. "Get down!" Beomgyu yells as we take cover from oncoming fire.

One against about two hundred people was not a fair deal. Though it's not like I was ever given a fair deal in life. "I should have never let my hood fall." I say before jumping through the door, making it close before ducking to cover. I pull out the gun from my hip, shooting everyone I can aim at from my hiding spot. The ear-bleeding sound of gunshots and screams fill the large space.

"Fucking Ace! Just die, will you!" McCoffin screams from somewhere in the area, as he fires, bullets barely missing me, shooting through the wood above me. My gun empties of bullets too soon, changing plans, my eyes scan the area, landing on the jack pot. I jump out, using bodies and barriers to stop bullets from burying them inside of me. I make my way around half of the room as I make it to the machine gun. Pulling out my knife and swiftly killing the guy I focus on my target. McCoffin's eyes widen before going to run away. "Oh no you don't!" My voice eerily make it across the loud chaos. I pull the trigger, the vibrations shaking my body as I carelessly aim it in his general direction. Bullets shoot into the walls and people, lodging themselves in everything other than the actual target. He makes it out of the room successfully before I manage to get him.

Screaming in frustration I aim it at the people still alive. I guess I just start shooting dead bodies, I can't tell the difference anymore, until the machine gun runs out of bullets. I abandon the junk, grabbing more guns as I make my way down the hallway.

"Yoongi!" Beomgyu comes running towards me. "Kid? Go find the others take them out of here. They are in a room." I don't say anything else as I walk past him and towards the stairs. Where the fuck did McCoffin get all these people from though? It was like they kept repopulating, there were that many of them. If I only I can get close enough. I pull out one of the many small contraptions from my waist band. "Let's hope they get out of here before these explode."

Shots fire from everywhere. Damaging every wall they find. Beomgyu takes two of them down before they get the chance to cover, Bangtan shaking in fear. Another man falls down. "Shit, I ran out of ammo. Come on you idiots! Shoot them!" Beomgyu yells at the scared teenagers, they follow his instructions, almost shooting blindly at them. Five left. One of them gets a good shot. A boy screams in pain almost falling into the line of fire before being pulled back to safety. "Yeonjun! Are you okay? Where did you get shot?!" A boy frantically looks at the damaged boy. "How the fuck did Ace deal with this? It hurts like a bitch." He starts having a coughing fit, holding his bloodied abdomen. "Yeonjun! Mother fuckers!" Beomgyu yells, chasing after the last three, the other two already been taken down. The moment of surprise was enough for him to get the jump on them. He pulls out the matte black knife from it's hiding place, stabbing one of the men. The other two bring their guns up, aiming at the boy as they shoot. The body he used as a barrier drops to the floor.

They try to shoot again but they have run out of ammo. He goes after another one, hitting him over the head with the back of his knife. The last man jumps for him, he dodges easily in his anger, stabbing the man in the black. He drops to the floor as Beomgyu stabs both of them repeatedly, all the while yelling. "Fuck you! You shot Yeonjun!"

"He's a beast."

"The next Ace for sure."

"Is Yeonjun okay?" Taehyung goes over the boy on the ground, inspecting his wound. "It wasn't in any vital spot, and the bullet went straight through which is a good thing. It would take a day, maybe more for you to die from this." He says reassuringly as he asks for a cloth. One of them rips their shirt a bit, a makeshift bandage. Taehyung wraps the bandage around Yeonjun, securing it. "We have to go." Beomgyu says, helping the injured kid up, another boy on his other side as they walk down the hallway. "There's too many of us all to fit in the elevator,we have to take the stairs."

With a groaning Yeonjun, they weren't very safe, but it was a risk everyone was willing to take.

My breathe was getting heavier by the second, playing cat and mouse with the man. I don't who was the cat or mouse anymore. McCoffin was a slippery bastard. Taking cover behind a desk, the mens' bullets almost got me. "I've got you now Ace!" It was true. My gun had yet again run out of ammo, and there was no man on the ground close enough to take a gun safely. Though it was not true entirely, and whenever was this business safe? I pull out another bomb, placing it beside me. I make one last sprint for it, back to the stairs, McCoffin hot on my heels. I take two at a time. Shots ring around the staircase, barely missing me, some grazing me. I burst through the door, making it to the first floor. I run to the nearest guy, grabbing a gun. They flood through the stairs, gun's already firing. I shoot them as they come through the door, soon taking cover behind a wall.

I chuck the rest of the bombs out, they spread across the floor in front of me. The staircase door flies open again, a bunch of teenagers filing through the door before they stop in their tracks. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" It was me, McCoffin in the middle, and the kids on the other side. "Start fucking shootin'!" One of them yells, and all hell breaks loose. Everyone ducking for cover. I shoot everyone I can, scrambling my mind for a solution. I make my way around, reaching Beomgyu. "I'll distract, you fucking lead them out of here." Not waiting for an answer I run headfirst into the commotion. "COME GET ME YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Straight away a bullet lodged itself into my shoulder. I barely feel the pain in the heat of the moment. I lead the mob towards me as I run to the other side of the room, aiming solely for McCoffin.

It's reckless but I don't care at the moment. They made me do this. To put my life at risk for the sake of them. The tables turn quickly, the men gaining control, I retreat into the middle of the room. My guns have run out of ammo, I definitely have acquired more bullets in me and many, many man are still coming.

Pulling out the detonator, I sigh. I look at the scrambling bunch, three quarters of them have made it out the door. Seokjin turns around at the same time, his eyes finding what was in my hand. It was like time had slowed down. Seokjin was ready to go back, going after me, but being pulled back by a frightened Namjoon, dragging him towards the door. The men were like a swarm of bees, closing in on me quickly. I look at Seokjin another time before he is dragged outside, my finger tracing the big button on the detonator.

"Bye Seokjin hyung."

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