Chapter 20

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"You know a norm-"

"I know what you bloody sayin' mate. When did you get so bold Yoongi?"

"Since I heard you got too ahead of yourself." I grumble, crossing my arms over each other. "I'm not dead am I? Then I didn't get ahead of myself. Have you gone soft on me boy?"

I smack him over the head. He winces, smiling weakly. "How are we supposed to get you out of here and down the stairs. There are cons to buffing up." I say, muddling my mind to try to come up with an answer. "It's not like we have a wheelbarrow or something."

"Actually, there is a wheel barrow in the storage cupboard." My head whips around, looking at Eddie confusedly. "Since when?"

"Since you came here. You never know what you need a wheel barrow for, like now." He looks at me, amused as I sit in silence for a bit. "Okay Beomgyu, the storage cupboard is behind the kitchen, it's a big door so you'll see it." He nods leaving quickly. I turn around sighing. How are we gonna lift the idiot into it? Not to mention telling Seokjin about this. How am I supposed to explain why we are going to an abandoned building instead of the hospital? "Where are you hurt?" I ask Eddie as he looks at me.

"I have a broken arm and I think a cracked rib. I pulled a muscle in me thigh and twisted me ankle. Can't be sure though." He is silent for a few second before asking, "Who is the lad in the car?"

"No one. He was there at the hospital and I asked him for a ride home."

"...okay Hoodie Boy." Eddie looks away, staring at the opening door. "It stinks in here! I hate it?, let's just do this as quick as we can." I groan at the thought of picking Eddie up but agree anyways. "Try to avoid his right arm and right leg, don't touch his ankle and avoid the ribs." I say squatting down towards the stench, almost gagging at the old smell of blood. "One, two, three!" Sharp pain shoots through my chest and arms, my thigh burning like fire as we lift him up. "Wait." We drop him into the bed behind him. "Are you oka-"

"I'm fine. On three. One, two,  three." I groan lifting him up and placing him the three wheeled transportation. "I'll go tell Seokjin so he doesn't worry. I'll be back to help him down the stairs." I say, shoving the gun I placed on the ground into my jeans, walking slowly out the door. I leave the door open, walking towards the stairs until I see Seokjin at the bottom. "Why aren't you waiting in the car?"

"Because you guys took too long. I thought someone had ki-" He starts gagging. "What the fuck is that smell?!"

"It's Eddie. He's badly hurt and we need to get him into the car, if you have towels or something to put down in the back seat I recommend it." I start going back towards Eddie and Beomgyu, but Seokjin stops me. "Wait I'll do it. You need to rest-"

"I'm fine I can do it I'm not weak-"

"No Yoongi, just listen to me this time. Please. Let me help. I have towels in the trunk of my car. The boys like to simultaneously jump in lakes and go swimming so I have them at all times. There are seven of them. One usually gets wet." I sigh at Seokjin. "Fine, it's not my fault if you like on Eddie. Don't touch him." I slowly walk down the stairs, Seokjin going up quickly after I pass him. I open the trunk of the unlocked car, pulling out seven towels. These will definitely wont be used again. I spread them over the seats and back, putting the extra towel one on the floor.

I get out of the car, seeing Seokjin holding his breath and Beomgyu head faced away from the ginger as they slowly get down the stairs. "Make sure he is in there comfortably. I'll grab the first aid kit from inside. And some wet cloths." I go back up the stairs, my chest and thighs feeling like they were set on fire. There is a first aid kit in my room if I remember. I reach my bathroom, passing over the messy floor and into the bathroom. I flip open the cupboards, searching for the first aid kit until I finally find it underneath the sink. I grab some face washing clothes next to it, packing them together and making my way back to my room.

My eyes find my bag, I pick it up, finding a few pairs of clothes and quickly shoving them in, with night wear and under garments. I race out the room as quick as I can towards the laundry, taking Jimins clothes out of the dryer and into my bag. Thank god Eddie put them in the dryer. I make my way to Eddie's room, half covering my nose as I find a duffel bag, shoving random clothes and underwear into it before zipping it back up. I grab his phone from under his pillow, remembering he puts it there before sleeping.

"Beomgyu!" I call out to him as he races towards me. "Put these in the trunk." I pass him Eddie's bag and my bag as he takes them, turning back towards the car. I open the back seat door, sitting myself in before starting to treat him. "Beomgyu will give you instructions on where to go. Don't go to the hospital." I don't look at Seokjin a so states wiping a lot of the blood off of the man in front of me. Beomgyu gets back into the car, knowing what he should be doing. I rip Eddie's shirt off of him, being careful where his wounds are. "I need to stitch some of you stomach. You were stabbed. And when we get there, they can deal with the rest." He just nods, not caring as he closes his eyes.

"You gotta try to stay awake." I clean out the stab wound as best as I can before dropping disinfectant onto it. He winces in pain but does nothing more. I mean, I don't know much but I do have experience. I'd think I'd be pretty good with eleven years of experience but no. I grab the needle, attaching the thread on the head before turning back towards his wound. "Don't move or it'll hurt even more." Geez it sounds like I'm torturing him. This is going to hurt even more with out painkillers or something. I stick the needle into his skin. He groans in pain, gripping his fists as I make the first stitch. Five more jabs into his skin and I've finished stitching him up. I tie it off, with the technique I saw from Taehyung.

I wipe the wound again, grabbing a bandage and wrapping it around his abdomen. I sigh falling back into my seat. "We'll be there soon." My eyes trail towards the dirt road in front of us. Seokjin has already slipped off the main path, towards the training centre. The old building comes into view not a minute later. Must be weird seeing a car come down this old path. I see movement in the building, my eye somehow catching one of the snipers at the top of the building. Pushing the the down button on the window, I stick my head out the car, showing that they are not a threat.

"Why are we at an abandoned building? Shouldn't we take him to someone who needs to treat his wounds?" Seokjin looks at the training centre warily. "It's not abandoned." I get out the car, walking towards the front door as Beomgyu gets out as well, starting to help Eddie out of the car. I open the doors. "Eddie is injured. We need nurses to perform surgery." I command to no one in particular as they listen. People rush outside to help the quite popular Eddie. "Edmond!" Multiple duplicates of him shout in disbelief. "Help him get inside!"

It was safe to say he was the most known in the ginger family. Also being the most liked. Nurses come out with a stretcher as he is placed on it, transportation being much easier than before. "Who the fuck is this?" A gun cocks up towards Seokjin as he jumps in fear. "He's not a threat. Calm down. He isn't the one who did it. He helped." I say icily, standing in front of the gun, pointing right at my head. The guy jumps back, immediately tilting the gun down. "S-Sorry. I j-just though t-that ya know, I-I" I ignore him as I turn towards Seokjin. "I need to talk to someone inside. Wait here for a few minutes."

"Yoongi no! I don't even know who this Eddie is! Not mention I just had a gun pointed at me and people were inside an abandoned building! That guy was scared of you too when he was the one with the gun! I'm coming in." He bursts, throwing a fit. I groan loudly. " you just have to know everything don't you." I turn towards the guy that pointed his gun. "Clean up." He should know what it means. My assumptions were correct as he races inside, I pay him no mind before turning around. He said my name aloud. Now others will know it. Great. Maybe I should just runaway again, except succeed this time, maybe I'll get a fat suit and some height enhancers. "Welcome, make yourself at home Mrs Melodramatic." I gesture my hands towards the door, opening it for him to walk through. He rolls his eyes at me, walking through the front door with crossed arms.

"Welcome to the people who are going to save Eddie's life no thanks to you stalling."

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