Chapter 22

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The door closes, as loud as a siren compared the silence in the car. Sitting in the loud silence was affecting me. Still, I wasn't gonna say anything.

"You aren't going home are you?" The man in the front voices, breaking whatever trance was put on the car. Yoongi ignores the stupid question. As he said, he won't answer stupid questions. "Where are you going to stay? Do you even have money to stay somewhere?"

"Drop me off somewhere away from the apartments. I'll survive."

"Don't you have relatives or someone who can take care of you?" Seokjin's eyes look through the mirror, finding Yoongi's face.

"Did it look like Eddie was related to me?" Yoongi says his face staring out the window, refusing to meet Seokjin's eyes in the rear view mirror. The older didn't know what to say, instead getting to the point of his conversation. "You can't be homeless Yoongi. Stay with us." Yoongi's eyes finally reached Seokjin's. "No."

"You can't live on the streets-"

"I can and I bloody hell will. I'm not living with you people."

Seokjin finally bursts. Turning the wheel, the car drives off the road harshly, parking on the dirt. He whips around as his eyes bore into Yoongi. "Why won't you open up Yoongi? I am here, we are all here for you. We care for you, helped you, and you still don't trust us."

"Actually, it was obnoxious, trapped me in your home like a butterfly in a cage, and you forced me into a locked bathroom. That is not care-"

"Fucking listen Yoongi! You know what is was. You would have died had we not helped you and you fucking know it! We haven't even asked how you got into that situation in the first place!" Seokjin practically screams at Yoongi. "What will it take for you to just trust us?"

"It's not that fucking easy okay?" The voice cracks as it drops out of the younger's mouth. "You, you don't know what it's like. To-to be forced into a training centre, to be abandon-" his mouth shuts like a switch. He knows he shouldn't have said it. However wiping the stray tears out of his eyes, he knows he can't take back the dug up memories of his life. He sniffles as he speaks, "Your stupid lovey-dovey family or whatever you got wouldn't understand what I had to do to just get here. Now that, that guy has seen me with you. You'll be in trouble." Yoongi voluntarily pulls his hood off his head. He doesn't know if the hood was just getting in his way after all these years of wearing it or he wanted to show someone, anyone, his true pain for once. The pain he has been hiding under icy glares and a bad attitude.

Seokjin shuffles in his spot, his eyes becoming much softer on the poor boy in front of him. "Look, Yoongi. I don't know what you have been through and yeah you could say I grew up easy. But I guess we just don't know each other that well." Yoongi's glassy eyes meet Seokjin's. "Come live with us. Even if it's for a little bit. Safety comes first. I admit we kind of forced this whole thing on you but it can be changed. Just accept us. Please?" His pleading glance at Yoongi.

The smaller wipes his eyes harshly, stupid of him to be vulnerable in front of others. "I already have stuff. And it's not like I'm going back to that shithole." Yoongi reasons, head tilting away towards the window. Seokjin's smile reaches his eyes. "Are you sure you don't need anything from home?"

"Yeah." He answers, answering the repeated question half heartedly.

The door opens calmly, Seokjin entering first through the door. The boys on the couch sit up, their backs as straight as poles. Seokjin's confuses stare meets their eyes. "You guys got home quickly."

"Actually you were out for... three hours, ten minutes and exactly fifteen seconds." Namjoon says quickly getting up after looking at his phone.

"More importantly why is Yoongi here? And why is his hoodie off? And why does-"

"Shut up. Your hurting my ears." I say cutting off Hoseok's sentence.

"He will be staying with us for a while. Take care of him." He says, a smile lacing his features as he puts down keys and a wallet on the kitchen bench. I guess the message didn't quite reach them guessing by the blank faces. "Huh? Did I hear that right?"

"Which is my room?" I say wanting to get out of here.

"Wait really? He's staying?"

"I'll show you Yoongi come with me." Jeongguk shoots up out of his chair leading the way. I follow half heartedly, his back taking up most of my vision. We go past the stairs, further down a hallway. "I Uh hope you would like a room downstairs. I thought would you know, your wound-"

"Yeah I get it."

He pushes open a door, leading into a large, fully furnished bedroom. The queen sized bed caught my attention. "Uh Hoseok hyung and my room is down stairs. The rest live upstairs if you need or want help with anything." Jeongguk stutters out. I lift the heavy bag off my shoulder as it hits the ground heavily. "Thanks."

"Yeah it's okay. Oh, dinner will be ready soon. You'll know when it's ready." I give him a face but close the door anyways. Today was too hectic. I shouldn't even be here. Why did I agree?

I am putting them in danger.

My back slides down the door, a sigh escaping my lips as I rest on the ground. I can lay here for a bit. It's too much effort to get up to the bed.

Spots enter my vision, eventually covering everything. The pain I had been trying so hard to ignore finally leaving a so succumb to the long awaited sleep.


Not a long chapter sorry I don't have a lot of motivation this week.

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