Chapter 28

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Bombs go off , Yoongs is inside

Bright, hot flames explode from inside the abandoned-looking building, the force throwing Bangtan onto the dirt, Seokjin getting it the worst. The windows of the building had shattered on almost every floor, the walls collapsing as well. Before the teenagers and adults got to inspect the damage, they were scrambling away from the falling building. Rubble and debris were thrown like bullets, barely missing them as they sprinted away. The last of the building hits the ground hard, puffs of dirt flying everywhere. Silence.

"Yoongi!" Seokjin screams, scrambling back towards the wreckage. Not only him, almost everyone goes back to the ruined building, trying to find loved or lost ones. Tears had escaped Bangtan's eyes, their hands becoming scratched and dirtied as they dig through the rubble fruitlessly. "Yoongi can't be dead. He can't." Beomgyu exclaims, lost as he stands in the middle of the rocks and concrete. He had only known him for a small amount of time, but that was all he needed to care for the younger. He had acted like a father, in a good sense. He cared for him, and made sure he was in tip top shape, even if the man had the odd occupation. Now he was gone.

Jeongguk didn't know what to think, so he didn't, he just kept digging. I mean if he didn't come back to school soon, he would be expelled. So he had to come back. He can't just leave. Who would he finish his English assignment with? Or his dance? Even if he had done the assignment alone, he wouldn't get full marks. So he kept digging, digging until he reached the dirt beneath and moved to a new place. A dirty, crumpled paper lay, ripped on the side and chicken scratch for writing on top. If he looked close enough he could read it.

"To Bangtan, Beomgyu." His eyes widening significantly as he recognises the writing. Yoongi's, it was very messy in English. Well, when he would write, he'd usually draw or fall asleep, or not be there at all. "Guys?" He calls shakily, everyone scrambling over quickly. In silent question, he holds up the note, there eyes immediately scanning the paper. "It's from Yoongi."

I half-guessed this would happen. Your welcome, by the way, if you read this note -unless it went up in flames too, whatever-, then I definitely saved your asses. Again. You gotta give me some credit, it's hard to save people. Anyways, there isn't much time, kind of in the middle of a fight right now. I most likely died so don't look for me. I mean it. I'm guessing Beomgyu told you about me so surprise I guess. Guess what I'm trying to say is don't get in trouble again. I won't be there to save you. You are good kids, live life. Thanks for saving me as well. Beomgyu you'll be the best but I advise you not to take the path you are currently on, I wouldn't want you to beat me or something.

-Min Yoongi
P.S. Min is my real surname.

It was blunt for sure, just like Yoongi, Min Yoongi, But it was sentimental. That's all it took for them to cry. "How did this all happen so quickly?! One minute Yoongi was living with us and everything is happy, next, well..." Jimin chokes out wiping his eyes. That's what they all wondered, it showed how one thing everything can be sunshine and rainbows, the next, hell breaks loose. Honestly, no one how to truly act. I guess it was just shock.

"Yoongi! Hoodie Boy! Ace! Thank you!" One boy howls into the sky enthusiastically. Many more do the same not long after, screaming thank you's and his names into the air. Maybe if they screamed loud enough it would reach the heavens. "We have to go, the cops will be here soon. No one wouldn't have heard a building exploding and collapsing." Beomgyu says, the rest listen intently, already getting ready to leave.

"Where would we go?"

"We have no homes."

Beomgyu looks back towards the rest of the group. "We will be together. Start anew. We will become the best again and forever. An unbreakable bond, a family of you will." He replies, already walking off. Four others run up to him, walking beside him, the rest following behind. "Let's get home." Seokjin says, looking at five sad and disbelieved young men.

"Where was Raymond?"

"I know, did he say he was going to be somewhere?" Little conversations float around the group, soon being unheard by Bangtan as they get further away. It wasn't long before they arrived back home, having parked the car near the dirt road. The apartment they drove by had police tape around it. Still, even after a month. Arriving home in dirty and bloody clothes, they sit down on the couches. Unknowing of what to do, they sit there, for what felt like an eternity was in reality a few minutes. A few minutes of silence, maybe a few minutes of shock or a few minutes of mourning, maybe all three. They wouldn't know.

"Well I'm getting out of these clothes." Taehyung says, breaking the deafening silence. No one argued.


A/N: Ahhhhhh oh my gooddddddsdsdss it's the end of the book! Do you like it? Are you sad? Mad about the ending?

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