Chapter 5

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Yoongi's POV

The bell had gone five minutes ago, and I should probably go to class. My anger had subsided enough, my tiredness seeping through. I had just gotten a notification about having too many sick days off. Something about if I have fourteen more days off, I'd be expelled. That would be fine for me, but Eddie would get mad, he's probably sucker punch me in the throat or something if I got expelled.

I get up off the cement. Dusting myself off before heading back down the stairs. I head through the maze of hallways and stand in front of my home room. I open the door, trudging through tiredly, bring my hand up my hoodie, rubbing my eyes before yawning. "Mr Min, you've decided to show up. Good choice." The teacher says as I roll my eyes and head to the back after shutting the door. I slip into the seat quietly, the stares already chipping away at my nerves. My earphones ready, I plug them in, dozing off in the seat.

The sound of the bell wakes me up, i pull my earphones out and grab my stuff. I go to exit before the teacher stops me. "Were you listening in class Yoongi? I have a feeling you were sleeping in my class." He says, a smirk on his face. The man just wants to get me in trouble. I scan the room as my eyes find the board. "The lesson was on the particle theory of matter. How a particle is a localised object to which can be ascribed several physical or chemical properties such as volume density or mass." The teacher, whose name I don't know, stares at me astonished. I tap my head with my finger. "I have a good memory sir and learn quite quickly. I may not be writing this stuff down, but I know what I'm doing."

I walk out of the classroom angry at the teacher for taking away my time. The stares and whispers make my anger boil threateningly close to the edge. If anyone dares to approach me I will lash out. I don't think I'd be able to stop. Just imagining the blood bath brings a small satisfying smile to my face. Until I realise what I'm actually thinking about. Have I turned into a psycho? I'm just tired, this is what happens every time. I head for the school's library, unable to muster up the will power to go to class.

My gaze travels to the glass doors to the library, I push on the bars as I step inside. I welcome slightly heated temperature as my gaze travels to the shelves of books. I walk through the shelves and towards the back of the room. A large cushioned chair sits in the corner, beanbags scattered nearby. I jump onto the cozy chair, resting my head on the head rest and doze off.

A hand shakes my shoulder, I grab the hand and go for my knife, but looking at the person immediately let go. He jumps back in fright, he was one of the men in that group. I start walk off but a hand goes for my shoulder, "Wait!" I dodge the hand. "Can I talk to you! Don't run away." He goes again for my shoulder, I dodge again as I whip around and grab his wrist putting it behind his back. "Don't touch me." I hiss.

"Okay, okay!" The tall man winces in pain. I let go straight away as he gets up. "Can we please just talk?" He asks, practically begging.

"You have one minute."

He doesn't wait, "We are so sorry! We didn't mean to see your face it was an accident! We were looking for you so we could apologise. My name is Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. Please don't try to run away from us. We were hoping we could all talk to you, maybe even-"

"Don't talk to me, don't come up to me, don't be seen with me." I say boring into his eyes before walking off. He stands frozen in shock before spluttering, trying to make a sentence."But-"

"Practice number one." I say holding up a finger. I thought I could get away from them in the library but I guess not.

"That's What he said to me!" Namjoon says in shock.

"What, why?" Seokjin asked in confusion.

"I don't know? Maybe he doesn't want to get bullied or something?"

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