Chapter 15

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"Yoongi?" I reach my hand out, sensing the presence of a hand coming towards me. I slap the hand away, opening my eyes to see Hoseok holding his hand as he pouts. I sit up in the car, putting my hands in my pocket as I jump out the car. "Thanks." I say a so walk past and towards the school, further ignoring the boys. They parked way too close, people will see me get out the car.

I walk through the hallways, feeling kind of naked you could say with out a bag. It's not my fault they made me go to school without my stuff. I keep my head down, walking as quick as I can towards the computer room. I need to find out about McCoffin. A foot pulls out in front of me, bright pink converse. Looks like they finally banned high heels at school. I pretend to trip over the rather slow action, my acting being pretty good these days. My eyes travel up towards a smirking girl. "Ew the ugly nerd touched my shoe!" She squeals as she lifts up her manicured hands, shaking them in feigned disgust. Her..... friends?, start squealing like pigs as a series of "ew"s, and "so disgusting"s fall out of their perfected mouths.

This is literally middle school shit. I can't believe that some people's brains stop developing at that stage. Don't they have anything better? I start walking off again, not wanting to entertain them anymore. "Not so far, let's see what disgusting monster is under there!" Suddenly a hand comes flying towards my hoodie. I grab my hoodie, keeping it on as I duck out of her reach, turning towards her. I wish she'd just stop targeting me. This time she runs at me, I think it's running, intending to push me over. "Stop annoying me already would ya?" I dodge her feeble attempt, slightly pushing her with my shoe as she falls onto the ground.

The screams, flailing and hysterical crying definitely got more attention than there already was. "He assaulted me! He tried to rape me!" She cries as mascara runs down her face. I quickly leave the premises, not wanting a mob coming after me, because which side would you be on? A popular chick because you don't want to be bullied, or a "loner nerd".

I close the door behind me as I enter the computer room. Sitting at the closest computer, I get started. I need to know where that damn McCoffin will be next. So I can kill him.

I get the last piece of paper from the printer, rolling the research and putting it on the inside of my jeans. Conveniently, the loud bell rang as I put my hoodie back over my jeans. I walk through the hallways, not nearly as crowded as before. I wonder where my first class is? I make my way up to the office, I should just go home, I need to finish my work.

I open the doors, walking silently to the front desk. "Can I get a pass to go home?" The lady looks up in surprise. "Can you take your hood off when you speak to a teacher or an adult please. It is disrespectful." Looks like she's a new teacher aid. The other staff just shake their heads at the ladies antics, knowing I'm not gonna take it off. "Can I just get a pass to go home? I'm really not feeling well."

"No, you are not getting one until you take it off. I don't care how sick you are." She suddenly reaches for the hood, I dodge it quickly. "No, I need to go home miss." She looks at me in surprise before returning to her usual stubbornness. "I'll tell you once more I'm not gonna give you one until you take it off-" I angrily pull my hood off my head, glaring icily at her. "Give me a fucking pass. Please. She gawks at me, the other teachers staring in surprise. One of them try's to take their phone out to take a picture but I pull the hood back on, thank god there were no students hanging around the office. She silently prints out a pass, handing it to me as I snatch it out of her hand and stalking out the office.

"Wow I've never seen him with out a hoodie on and up. How'd you do that?"

"Maybe he just had a bad day, he did say he was sick, but isn't he handsome? Even if he is as white as a ghost!"

"Wait does he have transportation to get home?"

I ignore the inappropriate comments from the over aged women, glaring icily  down my path. I was too close to pulling out that knife.

I stop in my tracks.

Pulling out my knife? She's not a bad person. I shouldn't want to do that. I only kill criminals. I mean I said I wanted to kill someone other times, it was half heartedly. I think. Or maybe I said it without thinking about it. I shake off the nauseating feeling, walking quickly and quietly out of the school.

I look out the window longingly. I hate school. "Cheer up Jeongguk! First period hasn't even started!" A hand slaps my back harshly as I wince and look towards the culprit. "Shut up Mingyu, you hate school too." I look at him. "Yeah but I don't stare out the window like it's a movie scene. Be social talk to people. There are girls here! I'm sure they'd want to chat with you-"


"Yeah, yeah scaredy cat. I know you are scared of them. Well the people who aren't afraid are going to go talk to them. Learn from the best." He walks off with two others, as they start to crowd around a poor girl who clearly doesn't want to talk to them. My eyes travel back out the window. 'It wouldn't hurt if I skipped school today would it?' I hopelessly think like every school morning. Movement catches my eye, I look down at the small figure, a jumper covering his face. "Yoongi? Fuck he's leaving." I say to myself in disbelief, getting up from my chair.

"Okay so it didn't work out too well but I know if you are with me for the next one-" Mingyu's legs stop walking as I fly past him.

"Sorry Mingyu not today."

"Hey where are you going?!"

"Away!" I speed down the hallways, my bag on my back. I somehow get past the watching teachers as I exit through the doors. "Yoongi!" I shout. I can hear him groan from the gate as he keeps walking. Seriously? I run towards him, stopping at the gate. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"You can't skip!"

"Watch me."


"Stop talking to me alright?" He whips around, I can feel his glare pretty clearly. "If you want to leave then just skip class you dunce. Your like an incomplete character in a book! One minute you're rebelling against your mum or who ever she is, the next your telling me, me to stay in school. You aren't even passing the school grounds!" He points at my feet, just behind the line, the boundary of the school. "Stick to one character!" He turns back around stomping down the street. I sigh. Am I really like that to him? He is right though. I lift my foot up, slowly passing the line. Haha! I'm skipping school! I run towards Yoongi. "Wait!"

I almost catch up to him before a hand flies towards me, hitting me in the neck. I fall down, coughing as well as trying to catch my breath. "What was that for! You karate chopped me in my vocal chords!"

"I said don't fucking follow me. Or talk to me! For like the twentieth time! How thick is your fucking skull!"

"Just let me come with you! I swear I'll be good!" I plead.

He turns around, looking down on me. I see his eyes from down here. "You and your friends got you into this mess. You might not know it now but if this doesn't work out you basically just killed yourselves. I'm not letting you dig the hole deeper. Now don't. fucking. talk to me." His glare paralyses me. I stay on the ground, on my knees silently as he walks off fiddling angrily with something in his pocket.

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