Chapter 4

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Bangtan's POV

"Did anyone see him yet?" Seokjin asks no one in particular.

"It's no use, he is already gone." Jimin sighs as the rest stop looking for the boy, giving up. Yoongi had gotten away and that was that. They were looking for half an hour for the boy after he had gotten away. The heat getting to them as they go towards a local coffee shop. "Food!" Jeongguk beams as he opens the door to the small shop, practically skipping his way inside to a booth. The rest follow, slumping in their seats. They grab the menus, scanning over the foods and drinks. "I can't believe he got away so easily! There were seven of us!" Jimin banters, throwing his hands in the air.

"The chips look yummy, ooh what about a burger!" Jeongguk and Taehyung were deep in conversation, you can never be too serious when ordering food. "We can just try and find him tomorrow." Namjoon sighs. "And if he isn't at school?" Jimin counters.

"We will find him the day after. He can't, not go to school for the rest of the year."

Hoseok joins in on their conversation. "Yeah, I'm also pretty sure he has chucked a bunch of sickies. He will get expelled if he takes too many days off." The two nod in consideration. "Why does he wear a hoodie?" Seokjin randomly wonders. "He's insecure?" Hoseok shrugs.

"From the few seconds I saw him, he definitely did not look insecure, he shouldn't need to feel insecure anyways...." Namjoon trails off. Seokjin deadpans, "And you call yourself straight."

"All I see is curvy, actually more spiky." Taehyung adds, his face full of certainty. "You and your alieness." Jimin chuckles, shaking his head. "What?" He counteracts, "I can do a test, give me a piece of paper and a pen and I will show you." He says determinedly. "I want to see what I am!" Jeongguk says excitedly. Taehyung looks at him in consideration. "You definitely aren't straight. I'd say just from being with you, you're a solid curvy."

"Is that good?" Jeongguk says worriedly.

Taehyung nods, smiling. "I'm my books it is, though if you were spiky, I'd have to reconsider our relationship."

"Hey! You said I was spiky!" Namjoon says frowning. "Yeah, that's fine. You're Namjoon, not Jeongguk." A waiter comes over to the loud table, an easy flirtatious smile plastered on her face as she speaks, "Would you boys like to order?" They nod, handing her their menus before they order. Taehyung and Jeongguk recite their order like their lives depended on it before anyone else could speak. Jimin orders something big but healthy as the rest just orders something greasy, they all have soft drink and milkshakes as well. "Would you like a number with that?" The girl winks at the boys.

"No." They say bluntly, making her stumble away.

"This is a coffee shop and no one even got coffee." Taehyung frowns. "You don't even like coffee." Hoseok looks at him. A few minutes later and the food and drinks arrive. "Milkshake!" Jimin says happily, doing a small dance as the chocolate milkshake is placed in front of him.

They sit in silence, too busy focusing on their food to have a civil conversation with anyone else. "Ugh, my belly so fulll!" Jeongguk groans, his hands resting on his belly as if he was pregnant. "Hello food baby." He smirks at his stomach. "I can't get up. Drag me." Taehyung says, closing his eyes and lifting his hands in the air.

"We will leave with out you two, now come on." Seokjin says, chucking a bill on the table. The two get up slowly, trudging after the rest. Small conversations floating around their group as they walk towards their home. "I hope I can see Yoongi's face again." Taehyung wonders aloud.

"Isn't it kind of weird saying his name? I mean, he didn't even tell us it. We just know of it." Namjoon looks at Taehyung, scrunching his face at the thought.

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