Chapter 26

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The six boys were yanked into the dark room, thrown on the floor as clicks of machines poke at them. "Hands up or I'll shoot!"


They scramble to their knees right away, their hands straight up in fright, not daring to open their eyes. "Who the fuck are you pretty boys?"

It's now that they realise the voices of their captors are oddly young sounding. One of them gasps enthusiastically, "Bangtan?! What the fuck are you doing here?" They open their eyes, only to find a group of confused teenagers holding guns, a couple adults in the back. One girl with short hair, to her ears, and mini bangs put her gun down, gesturing to them to stand up. "We are here because Yoo-"

"We followed Ace. He came here." Seokjin interrupts Namjoon. Sighs escape the gun holding teenagers' mouth as Bangtan send confused stares to Seokjin. "We are saved!" The girl in the front exclaims, jumping for joy as the rest do the same. "What do you mean saved? Why do you have guns?" Jimin says as the girl turns back towards the confused group. "Did you not see the pile of dead bodies on the first floor?" She says in a duh tone. You could tell how she, and the rest of the group were desensitised to death as the others cower away in disbelief and fear.


"Yes, our friends. They had been killed by McCoffin. They are still roaming this place to kill everyone. You shouldn't have come here. Wait, are you friends with Ace?! You must have some serious skill. Did you come to save us too?" She rambles on, jumping to conclusions. "McCoffin? As in the guy that almost killed Yoo- I mean Ace? He's here?!" Seokjin exclaims in worry. "I have to find him." He runs for the door before being pulled back by the girl. "You can't go out there, they'll kill you!"

"I don't care. I have to save him."

"He can handle himself. He the top in the agency!"

"I still don't understand what's going on here! Who the fuck is McCoffin?!" Jimin yells rather loudly.

"Shut up, if you are too loud they will get you and come for you, us." Seokjin finally bursts, revealing the secret Yoongi has been trying to keep from both sides. "Ace is Yoongi, Yoongi is Hoodie Boy. He is a killer, a loner and a hero. McCoffin was the guy in the jewellery shop that was fighting Yoongi, Ace, Hoodie Boy -whatever his real name is-, McCoffin is the one that lodged a bullet in his chest at the train station, McCoffin is the one that is trying to kill the guy fighting for our lives right now. The one that I am going to save right now."

"I'll fucking kill you!" I scream after ripping almost half the souls from their bodies. It isn't long before reinforcements came, cornering me. Guns firing every second from everywhere. I retreat. Rounding back around the corner and down the hallway as they chase after me like cat and mouse. I have to find a way out. I open a random door on the right, pushing my whole weight through the doorway only to find a person in the way. I go crashing into the guy as we topple over. I scramble to the door to close it as footsteps quickly pass by the door, the clicking or weapons bouncing with each step. As soon as the footsteps quieter down I sigh before turning around.

Multiple familiar faces meet mine, including six unexpected ones staring up at me. One of the pairs of eyes on the ground. Seokjin. I stare blankly at them. "What the fuck?" Seokjin scrambles back before standing up on wobbly legs. "U-uh I-I-"

"Why the fuck are you guys here? And why are you guys here?" I gesture to the newbies and the adults. They stare with a bewildered look at me. "So it is Hoodie Boy, I was right in my theory! Yoongi is also a nice name!" One in the back says, until a hushed, "Shut up Soobin!" It's now that I tug my hood back from my head, eyes blazing at each and everyone of them. "Nice to fucking meet you idiots. Now is not the fucking time. We have an army of men out there and none of you want to get killed, especially the fuckwits in the back. So shut the fuck up or your wares will be chopped off." I turn back around, hearing silence behind me, as if there wasn't twenty people behind me.

"Give me guns." The three words were enough to have a range of guns behind me later out like museum artefacts. I grab a couple, placing two on each side of me. Footsteps were already dangerously close, but now getting louder I begin to work quicker. I don't think I just do. But this is like the situation at the train, I can't just do, I have hostages or victims -whatever you want to call it- behind and beside me. The voices outside are now readable. "I'll check this one, you check the next."

The ones behind me duck, trying to find places to hide in the almost empty room. Though the boys beside don't seem to know when to be afraid. I look them in the eyes. Namjoon's eyes are determined, as if they have finally come to a conclusion after so long. Seokjin is looking back at me, nodding once. Jeongguk's eyes are laced with fear but something barely overpowers it. Hoseok is visibly shaking but his expression says otherwise. Jimin is still, unmoving as if he is frozen. Not out of fear but out of determination? Maybe even anger. Taehyung, he's looking into my soul as if waiting for an instruction on what to do. It's now that I realise, they all are waiting. Waiting for me to make a move, to tell them what to do.

Will I be able to save them? When did I become so, thoughtful? Considerate of other people's life.

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