Chapter 23

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Waking up to a warm bed was a surprise. The curtain's light barely reaching the end of the bed but still enough light to disturb my slumber. Remembering the occurring events yesterday forces a sigh out of my mouth. Was it even yesterday when it all went down? Just on time, the door opens slowly as Seokjin's head peaks through the door. "Ah, you're awake." I nod, my mind wondering.

As if he read my mind, "You kinda, passed out on the floor, Taehyung put you to bed. You were out for a while. We just came back from school." I nod again, my mind still not wanting to wake up. I try to stretch, key word, try. I recoil as my tight muscles ache in pain. "I'll go let the others know you're awake. I'll be back." The door closes softly as I put my head back under the covers. I'll just stay here for a bit-

"Yoongi. You're awake!"

"You missed school again."

"It's Monday afternoon, do you want to come and eat?"

I groan, my croaky voice harshly breaking the oncoming questions. "Come grab some food Yoongi. You haven't ate for ages, I don't know how you are still alive!" Seokjin leaves out the door, not caring for an answer. "Go away." That did not come out how I wanted it to. It was more whiny than commanding. I can practically see feel their smiles drowning me. I squirm as someone tries to lift up the duvet, grabbing it and pulling it back over me.


"Yoongi you have to get up!"

"Yoo-" I sit up quickly, their annoyance has already pulled the sleep away, like bratty kids. I get out the bed clumsily, almost falling on the ground but catching myself, and racing out the room. "I said go away."

I disappear.

"Yoongi where are you!"


"We're sorry!"

"What if he left the house?" Jimin says worriedly to Namjoon. "I don't think so, let's just keep looking. Curse this big house."

It's been approximately half an hour since we had annoyed Yoongi into hiding. In the first two official minutes of him being here. Maybe he did run away? "Jeongguk can you check the kitchen instead of standing there?" Seokjin says back handedly, his mind occupied in the list Yoongi. "But I'm not allowed-"

"Just do as you are told."

I say nothing more and make a B line for the kitchen. Even checking the cupboards this time. I wish he'd come to school more. I already had to ask Mom to spare him a few weeks, but anymore he'd be expelled. What does his parents think about this? He is even staying at our place.

My mind comes back from outer space as I find something out of place. I mean I check the cupboards a lot so I would know. A small chip packet is gone. My chip packet. I open the fridge to see Hoseok's sandwich he had made, Namjoon's chocolate for his girlfriend and a few water bottles gone. Yoongi is still here. He must be hiding somewhere.

"Guys! Yoongi is still here! He took food and water!"

"Did he take my sandwich?!"

I click my tongue at them. "So loud." Rolling my eyes as I snack on the sandwich and scrolling through Hoseok's computer.


A/N: sorry for not posting in a while, I wrote that a while ago and do not have a lot of motivation to keep writing. Assignments got me, save me!

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