Chapter 13

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I grab my head in pain as my eyesight adjusts to the light. Not long after 7 boys practically fall over each other as they enter into the room, one of them holding a large bowl of soup and another a pack of pills. A flurry of questions rush out their mouths at once, the jarring headache becoming worse as I squint in pain. "Shut it will ya?" I say as I let my hand fall from my head. Their mouths close immediately. They crowd around the bed, I move backwards into myself well at least try to. Seokjin places a large bowl of soup on a wooden block on the bed as Hoseok puts the drugs next to it, also putting a hidden water bottle I didn't see before.

"Don't move. You'll open your wounds." Namjoon warns as I try to move away. "That's what I said before." Hoseok states as I roll my eyes at them. "Have some soup." Seokjin says as he dips a spoon into the soup and try's to bring it to my mouth. I furl my eyebrows before snatching the spoon from him. "I can do it myself."

"But what abou-" I dip the spoon back into the soup and lift it to mouth, blowing on it before eating it, ignoring the ache in my arms. He just sighs, letting me eat it by myself. Slurps fill the empty room, everyone else silent as if waiting for something. I stop as my eyes reach their awkward ones. "... so... what are you guys doing here. You don't watch me eat I'm not into that shit." I say with a half full mouth, swallowing it as I look at Seokjin, because apparently he is the 'boss', or at least that's what I'm calling him.

He clears his throat, looking at the others before looking at me. "Do you want to tell me what that was about?" His stern, parental voice is unbreakable. "What is was about is that you guys might be one of the most stupid in the world." I spit, the annoying memories flashing behind my eyes, sparking my memory. I swear to god if they called the cops. "We were actually saving you. Did you want to die or something?!" Jimin spurts before gasping. "Are you suicidal?" My head flicks towards him. "No! I'm not fucking suicidal... would probably be better than this though." I mumble as their faces contort into confusion and disbelief.

"What the hell do you mean?" Jeongguk questions in angered confusion. "It means you guys are the fucking suicidal ones." I look at all of them as they just show more visible confusion. "Look. I'm fine I would have had it sorted if you guys didn't come." Seokjin try's to intercept but I keep talking. "Just let me go and don't talk to me at school or whenever you see me. It'll all be fine. Also I need my hoodie back if you don't mind. It costs money ya know." Even though it was their money that bought them, they look nice and they wouldn't fit them, I can help myself in this situation.


"Please." I finally plead with the idiots.

Namjoon sighs, his eyes turning towards Seokjin as they mentally communicate. "Fine at least have some food and water before you go. Your clothes are in the laundry, so you can borrow ours. We can give you clothes at school-"

"No actually just burn those than because I'm not coming back here."

"What about our school project?"

"Library will be okay."

"Shouldn't you be worrying about the "burn the clothes" bit?" Hoseok's mumbles as Seokjin speaks. "How will you get down the stairs? Let alone walk into your house. We will bring it to you and pick you up-"

"No way. I can't stand it's fine. Just go get me some clothes." Jimin immediately gets up and walks out. He comes back not long after with sweatpants, a hoodie, a shirt and some boxers. He chucks them on the bed and stands back. I shoot them a weird look. "Uh I need to change." A bunch of "ohs" and "sorrys" leave their mouths as they turn around. "Do you want help?" Seokjin asks. I deny straight away. I take the blanket off, pulling the shirt and hoodie on carefully. I get up slowly, my legs going onto the side of the bed. "No-"

"Don't make me keeping cutting off you fucking idiots. I can do it." I stand up slowly, ignoring the pain and start pulling off my underwear, pulling on the boxers and sweatpants. I start walking towards the door. Taehyung reaches his hand out getting ready to speak. "Don't fucking touch me." I hiss as I go out the door. I've never had to repeat myself so much in my life. mean their personalities were kind of making me envious but now I just need them to shut up. It takes me a while to get downstairs, Bangtan stuck behind me. Both my feet touch the ground as I sigh. Seokjin and Jeongguk go towards the kitchen grabbing what I presume is a water bottle and some more food. Speaking of, how did Seokjin cook the soup so fast?

I fall slowly onto a single sofa, resting my head against the back. Jeongguk walks back into the room with two water bottles, chucking them on the small coffee table next to me. "Thanks." I mumble quietly as he smiles and sits himself on the couch across from me. The others are scattered across the couches and the carpet. Seokjin comes in not long after, holding a plate of cocktail franks. "We don't have a lot in the house at the moment sorry. Some people decided to eat all the food we had."

I ignore the obviously pointed comment, bringing the plate of food onto my lap. I grab the fork that was on the side of the plate, blowing on the steaming sausage and taking a bite out of it. "I don't care. It's good so it doesn't matter anyways." I mumble. He smiles saying a triumphant "thank you" before placing himself on one of the couches. I eat a few more off my plate before my eyes finding everyone staring at me. Again. "Can you guys stop? Is this a habit? Do you need help?"

Taehyung scoffs as he looks up from his phone briefly. Seokjin stammers, "What? Of course not we are just waiting. We don't need help." I roll my eyes at them as I finish my last bite. "Thanks." I mumble, my anger finally subsiding for the most part. "I need to go now." I stand up slowly going to put my plate in the sink. Jimin stands up reaching his hand out. "I'll take it." I hand him the plate as I wrap my hands together. "I almost forgot can I get that knife back?"

"Knife?!" Jimin and Jeongguk exclaim in surprise. Seokjin faces me. "Why do you have a knife."

"Uhh for defence obviously."

"... let me grab it." Seokjin says disbelievingly a She starts to walk away. It's true though, it is for self defence, and other things. Jimin and Jeongguk mouth's are still open in shock when Seokjin comes back. He hands me the matte black knife as I stuff it into the the soft hoodie pocket. "Well I'll get going... bye."

"Wait you can't walk home let me drive you."

"I'll come-"

"No just Yoongi and I will go. You guys can just wait utill I get back." He says sternly. I hesitantly nod. "Only to the train station I can walk the rest of the way." He nods after contemplation and we head to his car. The journey was silent. Just the way I like it. I told him directions but that was it. "Park in a secluded spot." He looks at me briefly but does what I say and parks where trees are surrounding the car. I open the door and get out slowly. "Wait here for five minutes before you leave." He nods.

"Get better soon."

"I will." I close the door and start heading into the train station, trying my best not to show a limp. I think I've had enough experience to pull it off pretty well. The ride back was normal. Same for walking upstairs towards my apartment. Save for the agony of course. I open the front door with the hidden key, finding Eddie sitting at the kitchen bench. "Took ya long enough ya little shit." He grumbles.

"Yeah well it's not my fault for Ray pairing me with a fucking traitor."

"I know, the training centre's gone to shit. Everyone's panicking over you, saying you've "run away again."".

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