Chapter 3

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Just impulsively dyed the ends of my hair green.... a real emo legend right here (jk (jungkook)) #egggang #blacklikemysoul ;-;

Yoongi's POV

I really don't need them messing up my life right now, not ever. I grab my phone and look at the time. '01:50 pm' the time read. I guess I'll leave school a little early. I step out side the building and towards the garden at the side of the school, munching on a granola bar on the way. I walk through the dense flowers and trees, the droplets from the light rain being blocked. I reach the fence. I chuck my bag over the fence then climb over it, landing two feet flat on the ground. I put my bag on my back and start walking towards the train station.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, I pull it out, scanning over screen. Text from 'unknown' although, I know exactly who it is.

Come to my office.

Please would be nice but okay. Be there in 30.

I put my phone back in my pockets. I change my direction towards the train station, and stuff my hands in my hoodie pockets, looking down trying not to get noticed. The rain becomes a little heavier before I faintly hear the school bell ring. Children escape the prison. I walk quicker, hopefully getting on the train before any teenagers take my seat.

"Hey look isn't that the hoodie boy? Yoongi! The one from the roof!" One of the boys says from behind me. Can this day get any better? I walk to the intersection, suddenly a bunch of cars fly past, preventing me from crossing the road. Well, shit. "Hey! Wait up!" I ignore the boy, sharply turning on me heel and speed walking down the street. "Stop!" He voice comes from around the corner. I step into an alleyway, just missing them as they go past me.

"Fuck, where did he go?"

"He's like a magician! Wow!" A deep voice exclaims childishly. Little do they know I'm right here looking at them. Looks like I have to go around them. I back away from the confused teens looking around in circles and into the darkness of the alley. I pass by the feral cats and trash as I make a detour for the train. A few buildings later and I'm at the train. Some people are already hopping on the open train, I got here later because of those trouble makers. I step onto the crowded train, making sure my hoodie is on as I sit on the only spare seat left, in between an old man and another school kid.

I slink down in the seat, crossing my arms in an attempt to go to sleep. My eyes shoot open as the old wrinkly hand touches my thigh. He looks at me and smirks. He's fifty years old for god's sake. I pull my knife out and poke it into his hand, he pulls it back quickly, staring at me in horror like I'm the one that did something wrong. "What the hell?" He says angrily towards me., already starting to cause a scene. "What? You tried to grope me." I say matter-of-factly, making the people listening in on our arguement gasp. His mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. "I-I, you are a boy?" He says in bewilderment. My eyes flare in anger, even though he cannot see it.

"That just proves my point further, don't touch girls." I warn him. The rest of the train ride is awkward for the old geezer, everyone on the train sending him flares and disappointed head shakes. The train finally stops at my stop. I get up and exit the train as quick as I can. I look at my apartment, why can't I go home yet? I walk past the apartments and go down a dirt road off to the side of it. The trees overhang the path, creating a big tunnel.

I think this was the only good looking thing when going down this path. Half an hour later of dreadful walking and I arrive at what looks like an abandoned warehouse. I knock on the door in a specific pattern before the door opens widely to another version Eddie, only the burly man has a longer beard and a long, pink scar on his chin and down to his collarbones. "Aye, you're here." He greets, his accent isn't as thick as Eddie's. "Yeah, Great observation skills peanut, now why did Raymond need me here? He's wasting my precious sleeping time." I say crossing my arms.

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