Chapter 18

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"Named 'the hoodie boy' further taking down local burglar, who was at fault for the recent robberies to stores throughout Seoul. A truly aspiring real life hero for many....."

"Further information on hoodie boy. Still unable to recuperate after attack....."

"Take him off support? No way! We will pay more money if we hav......."

"Hey, please come back... we are worrie......"

"Yoongi? Can you hear me? If you can I...."

My eyes feel like bricks. And my limbs too numb and heavy to move. "Yoongi. If you can hear please wake up. Everyone is worried about you." Who is that? My foggy mind doesn't feel like clearing up. I try to open my eyelids but they are too heavy. What is going on? I keep trying to open up my eyes, listening to the sounds. "I wish I went back to save you I really do. I should've tried harder to keep you in school that day. Or even make you stay home at our place!" With all my effort I force my eyes open, the bright light blinding me as I strain to even barely open them. I groan, a harsh croak burning my throat.

"Yoongi!" Seven voices exclaim at the same time. "Guys-" a violent coughing erupts from my throat, burning my chest as I cough into my hand. Blood spits out, I start to wipe it on the blanket but someone takes my hand, "Don't do that, here." They grab a cloth wiping down my hand. My fuzzy mind doesn't mind the lack of space at the moment. I scan the room, finding Bangtan, and Beomgyu? I raise an eyebrow at him. He just smiles at me.

"Make me go back to sleep." I groan. Hair tickles my neck and eyes. How much has my hair grown? "I'll get a nurse to check on him, stay here."

"Yoongi you can't go back to sleep, you've been asleep for too long!"

"How long?" I look up at Seokjin.

"A month."

I look at him, astonishment clearly covering my face until I squint my eyes at him. "Are you lying to me Seokjin hyung?" I reach my arm out pointing at him. He looks taken a back at my clear show of emotion, even saying his name, as well as with 'hyung'. "No he's not lying Yoongi." Namjoon reassures. I sigh. "All my progress is ruined!" Everyone looks at me in confusion. "Progress?"

"Progress. Of kil-"

"Hello Mr Min." A doctor walks into the room. "I'm Dr Lee. I'm here to take care of you in hospital." I gasp in horror. "I'm in the hospital?!" I take in my surroundings, looking at my wrists with chords sticking into my arms. "Are you stealing my blood old woman? I'll take yours first! Just let me-"

"Yoongi! Calm down. No one is taking your blood and you need to stop talking. Your throat is sore isn't it? You don't want to use your vocals too much." Namjoon buts in. I nod agreement. "Yes, Namjoon hyung! I shall be quiet! Starting now!" They stare at me in amazement, smiling at me. I smile back before zipping my lips and throwing away the imaginary key. Beomgyu looks at me in disbelief, his knees quivering slightly as he stares at the six next to him in fear for some reason.

Dr Lee stands in front of me. "I'll have to ask some questions, you may also ask some yourself afterwards. Although as Namjoon said, you will need to save your voice." Everyone was allowed to stay in the room while I was been inquired. "You had suffered brain injury when you collapsed so you will have selective memory loss. It is only temporary but will come back soon. This has also caused a personality change based on your friend's reactions. Did you suffer any possible injuries before this attack?"

"Well I was fighting this man before, though I forgot what reason it was for. I had severe wounds though. This was only a day or two before the second attack." She nods at my answer writing it down in her notepad.

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