Chapter 19

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"Eddie will take care of me." I say to to Dr Lee.

"But what about-"

"I know Eddie better, he is my guardian." A few sighs come from the group across from me. They didn't want me after all? I scoff at them. "I'll tell him to come pick me up. Can I use a public phone?" She nods trying to help my up but I deny. Using the cane they gave me, I move out the door.

"Ehh, such a big personality change." She sighs, walking out afterwards.

"Isn't he a lot meaner than before?" Taehyung whispers, pouting at the group. "I might have had reason with that." Seokjin raises his hand. "How?"

"I had asked him about it."

"Seokjin hyung! You know that makes him mad!"

"I know but he looked like he was angry. And I didn't want him to be mad at us forever!" He whisper shouts. "Well you might have made him angry forever, now." Namjoon bursts back.

"Wah? He isn't usually this hostile towards you guys? And what is 'it'?"

"You really don't know anything Beomgyu hyung. Are you really his friend?" Jimin says suspiciously. "He's my trainer! Not really my friend." They look at me in surprise. "Trainer? What for?"

"It doesn't matter, what matters is what is it."

"It is his emotions." Hoseok says very quietly. "He always pushes them aside for the sake of others." Are we talking about the same person? He is always mad and puts himself before others, that's how he survived this whole time. "I think you have the wrong idea-"

"Then how do you explain him telling Jeongguk to get the victims away whilst he fought the dangerous guy?" Because it was his fight. But these guys don't know this. They just thought he was fighting for the greater good. I'm not saying he is the bad guy but, that isn't his style. He is the good guy in his own way. But how do I explain that to them without giving him or myself away? I can't. I sigh. "Fine, think what you want."

I was scared of them at first because I thought, what made Yoongi-ah become so nice to them. Did they force him? If so then are they too powerful? But after realising they are just a bunch of law abiders, they don't see deep enough into one's personality. Yoongi-ah was probably using that to his advantage somehow. Like trying to blend in. He wouldn't be so kind for no reason, right? That's not his personality.

"Let me show you what he did to the his followers! It's on almost every YouTube video around Seoul!" Taehyung sits on the bed as we all crowd around his phone. It plays as small shouts of happiness die down after finding the Hoodie Boy in a hospital room, waving at them. You can see hands waving back at them enthusiastically. He puts his hand up signalling them to wait. Some squeal in delight.

"I wonder what he's going to do!"

He come back a minute later holding a large pen and a piece of cardboard. He opens it up, pressing it to the glass. One of them reads it out loud. "Do.. Your... Best!"

"That's really cool handwriting!"

"I'll try my hardest to fight crime Hoodie Boy!" A boy says from behind the screen. Waving enthusiastically at Yoongi. He waves back, you can just see his smile from under the hoodie. "He has such a good smile!"

"I bet if he grinned, his gums would show! So cute!"

"He's so charming-" the video ends as I look at the video in surprise. This isn't the Yoongi I know. The Ace I know would kill without hesitance, not caring if he was in danger. Ace would- Wait. That's what Ace would do. Not Yoongi. My eyes travel towards the six boys in front of me. It's like seeing a whole other world. Yoongi's world. I didn't even know Yoongi was his name until now. Seokjin hyung face is frozen, staring at yoongi's frozen figure on the screen. What's up with him?-

"I need to go home." Yoongi bursts through the door, halting us in our conversations. "Go home? Isn't Eddie coming to-"

"That's the point. He's not coming. Seokjin give me a ride.... please." He nods in response. "You guys wait here. Beomgyu, come on." I fast walk after them. Eddie is gone isn't he. Someone got to his house somehow. I heard about Ace and Eddie. He took Ace in when he was really young. He had trained the boy to fight through an impossible situation. It's how he became who he is today. The best. B.L.A if you will. Eddie was there the whole time. And now he is gone. I bet Ace already knows it.

We get in Seokjin's big seven seater as he drives to the place Ace tells him to go. We get there in record time as Yoongi-ah jumps out the car, walking as quickly as he can with a cane up the steps and to number '18' on an apartment door, he quickly unlocks it, walking carefully through the door. "Seokjin stay outside and keep watch in the car."


"Just do it!" He growls out lowly, Seokjin hyung obeying immediately. "Eddie's room is back corner down the hallway, the only room at the end of the apartment. Check there first." I nod, taking out two guns, giving it to Ace and keeping one for myself as I walk quickly and quietly towards the end of the apartment. A putrid smell clogs my nostrils the closer I get to the end of the apartment. Checking the hallway, I slowly walk towards Eddie's said to be room. The source of the funky smell. I grab the handle shaking, forcing a smile before I open the door. I couldn't see anything. I slowly find the light switch, turning it on.

I half gag at the situation in front of me. Blood scattered everywhere across two bodies as well as the carpet. One looking like a duplicate of the many gingers in the training centre. "Eddie? Is that you?" I walk carefully towards him, reaching for him before he suddenly snaps an eyes open, reaching for my neck. "Woah Eddie Wait! I'm with Ace!" He let's go weakly, his arm going limp as he sighs. "Thank god. This cheeked blighter was a tough one to break."

"Ace! Eddie is alive!" I yell down the hallway in relief.

Overturned drawers, flipped over bed, clothes layering the floor. This is not how I left my room. They were definitely trying to find something. A weakness maybe? "Ace! Eddie is alive!" Beomgyu shouts in delight. I walk down the hallway towards his room, not caring about the pungent smell. "You've Really our done yourself old man." I say to the half dead guy in front of me. "If wasn't for this bastard." He gestures to a beaten and broken bloody body next to him. "I'm not cleaning the carpet." I say inspecting the dead body for an I.D. Or anything useful.

Finding a bloodied I.D. I see the name 'Lee Jae-hyun' most likely a pawn for McCoffin. I look back at Eddie. "Wounds?"

"Couple bullets, stabs, maybe broken bones. Just take me to the training centre to get fixed up."

"Yeah well we have a normal citizen waiting in the car for us."


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