Chapter 12

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"He was seriously injured! He could have died if I didn't help him!" Taehyung bursts in disbelief to the very intent group in front of him. "Who knows what would happen to him if we weren't there!" He throws his hands up as he paces.

"He was gone for weeks and we find him fighting another man with bullet wounds!" Namjoon adds, stretching their worry for the almost unknown boy unconscious upstairs. It has been almost an hour before Yoongi has fainted. "Should we call the police? I mean he got shot." Seokjin says worriedly. The maknae shakes his head, "Didn't he say no hospital? That would mean he wouldn't want the police involved either."

They take his comment into consideration before Jimin adds, "We don't have to say his name. We can just report a robbery and bullets firing." They nod, agreeing as Jin reaches for the phone, dialling the emergency number and filing the report. "Yeah thanks. You too, bye." Jin hangs up the phone and nods at the rest.

"I'm gonna go check up on Yoongi." Hoseok pipes up as he leaves for the stairs, climbing them quickly and towards the unconscious boy. He opens the door quietly as he sneaks through, closing the door behind him and sitting himself next to the boy. He was still practically naked under the sheets, no one dressed him in case his wounds opened. Hoseok's eyes gazed softly at the boy. "He still looks stiff even when he is asleep. He's never looked calm to me." He whispers to himself, small worry spreading over his features.

His hand reaches out towards Yoongi, lightly touching his forehead. He retracts his hand quickly. He has a fever. He speeds into the bathroom, grabbing a clean cloth and wetting it with cold water. He quickly placed himself back onto the bed and placed the cloth on his forehead. Yoongi's eyes furl a little before Hoseok's hand bury themselves in his red, fire hair. The softness making him blink in disbelief. Why is it so soft? He massages the sick boy's head softly as Yoongi lets out small grumbles of pain.

My head pounds roughly, as my senses come to. Hands are buried in my hair massaging my headache away a little. Hands? My eyes snap open, I smack Hoseok's hands away quickly as the light burns my eyes making my headache worse. I try to crawl away but my muscles hurt and are too stiff. "Don't move you'll hurt yourself. I'll go get some Panadol and ask Seokjin hyung to make some soup." He doesn't let me answer as he races out. Where am I?


A/N: I haven't updated for a month and a day. I'm so sorry. ;-; I haven't been into writing much anymore that is just what I wrote the day after posting my last chapter. I'll try to ding motivation guys sorryyy

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