Chapter 21

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Few people are scattered around a rather clean looking room. A lot of gym equipment scattered in corners, a path leading to an elevator. It certainly didn't look like the outside.

"What is this place?" I turn to the hooded boy next to me. "I dunno what to call it to be honest. A safe place for Eddie. Also call me Ace."


"Yep." He says popping the 'p' before stalking off towards an elevator. I catch up to him, walking beside the short boy as my eyes scan the area. It now that I realise almost everyone is looking either at Yoongi or me suspiciously. This place doesn't feel safe. I keep my eyes down as I get into the elevator. He practically punches an old, almost broken button. More worn out then the rest. I guess it's a common area. "Who are we going to see?"

"The man that runs this place."

"Runs it?"

"Stop repeating my answers. I'm not gonna answer a stupid question." The elevator doors open and he quickly stalks through the hall. I follow, this time a bit behind. He pushes open two big wooden doors, not caring to knock as he lets himself inside.

Alright I just Seokjin to fuck off and to sort this shit out. The pain over my body annoying me even more. I should've just killed McCoffin in front of them when I had the chance. I wouldn't have to deal with shit like this. "Raymond this is Seokjin. Seokjin this is Raymond, Eddie is in the hospital wing, intruders decided they wanted to trash the place and almost kill the idiot." They stop shaking hands as Raymond looks at me. "Is he okay?"

"Did you not just here me?"

"Right. Are you okay?"

"I'm moving I'm fine."

"But you we-"

"Yeah I know what happened I was there idiot. Is this all? I informed you now I need to get shit done. We abandon our plan because obviously he knows that you know." I ignore what ever he says, stalking out of the room. I hear footsteps approaching me soon after, they stop in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. "What."

"What the heck do you mean 'what.'?! I drive you to an abandoned building which actually isn't abandoned at all, carrying a guy I have never met before named Eddie! The guy you said that runs this place does what ever you want him to, creepy stares from anyone in this place, an odd amount of gingers that look like Eddie, a suspicious amount of people in this place-"

"Shut up. You were the one that wanted to come in here. If you are gonna squawk then get out."

"Yo- Ace! Just tell me what is going on! I need to kno-"

"You don't need to fucking know anything Seokjin." I burst, going closer to him. My anger blinds me as I push my finger in his chest. You and your little lackeys forcefully push yourself into my life, invade my space, fucking act like we are childhood friends, wanting to know every little shitty detail about me not caring about my opinion! Don't fucking act like you know me! Stop pushing yourself into my life! All this has already happened since you first met me!" I stop harshly pushing his chest, instead pushing his shoulder violently and entering the elevator. The doors close without him entering.

As the doors reopen I practically sprint through, not seeing anyone in my blinding rage. I make a B line for the hospital wing. The door swings open widely hitting the wall as I enter. A young girl with a mask on carefully stands near me. "He is in an operation. He won't be awake until tomorrow. Maybe."

I don't acknowledge her, leaving as quick as I came in. I see Seokjin on the ground floor his eyes scanning the area like a nervous wreck. I fly past him and out the front doors. Wind hits my body like a wave. I stride past Seokjin's car, planning on walking to a new place. I don't know where I'll go. I can't stay where I was. McCoffin knows where I live. I don't know how but I know. My stomach itches, doing the obvious and scratching it to find a receipt. I pull the paper out, smashing it on the ground and stomping on it.

"Stupid useless McCoffin. Didn't. Even. Need. This. Shit. Stupid. Seokjin." I kick the paper, pulling a muscle in my thigh. "Shit!" I hold onto my leg in pain, hurting my heart. I pull back up quickly grabbing my chest, further hurting my arms and making my head dizzy. "For fucks sake!"

"Ace, please just come into the car."

"Shut up."

"Please. Let me." I turn around, staring holes through Seokjin's body. "Give Eddie's bag to him. I walk slowly to Seokjin's car, opening the trunk and grabbing the leprechaun's duffel bag and chucking it at Seokjin. "Where is he?"

"Just go in, find peanut and tell him to give it to Eddie. He's most likely just inside the door, he's a guard."

"A guard?" Didn't I tell him to stop repeating my answers? I gnome him as I close the trunk and get to the back seats. The smell of old blood fills my nostrils as I open the back door. Jesus, did he shit as well? I pull the towels out and chucking them on the ground near the car. He's not going to need them anymore. I sit myself in the back, buckling up.

I open the old doors slowly. A whole new area in my view. People are fighting each other, not holding back. Gym equipment mostly being used for weapons, instead for working out. Although a wall of weapons on wheels makes me jump back against the door. A large burly ginger stands in front of me. "What are ya doing here lil' man?"

"I-Uh I swear Yo- I-i mean Ace sent m-me." I stutter out, holding out a duffel bag. "This is Eddie's. A-Ace s-said to find P-peanut and give this t-to him to g-give to Ed-ddie." I close my eyes in fright. "That's me mate." He takes the bag as I sigh in relief. A knife is suddenly displayed, pressing into my neck as I gasp. "Don't ya dare say a word to Ace or you'll know what's comin'" the man backs away slowly, the suspicious faces suddenly making more sense as they stare at me. I blindly open the door behind me stumbling out the door quickly as I shut it.

That is not what it seems. I turn around towards the tinted windows of my car. Who are you Yoongi?


Sorry guys school has kept me busy. Not a lot of motivation the past week.

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