Chapter 8

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"Bloody hell, you're a loner aren't ya mate." The burly leprechaun announced, slapping my back harshly with amusement. I shake my head in annoyance, "It's not my bloody fault I'm here." He doesn't answer for a few moments, slapping a load of vegemite on his bread before taking a bite out of it and talking. "You could'a gotten a bunch of girls with that face of yours, it's a shame ye put it to waste boy. If I were you I'd chuck the clothes and get a herd."

I just shake my head at Eddie's horrible suggestion. He forced me to talk to him, because I was mad about getting lost last night when I couldn't get home. After some sleep of course, I could not handle that man when I was tired. We don't talk about our feeling often, I haven't talked to him about my feelings since I cried on my first assignment. It just wasn't needed. I step off the bench, grabbing my bag and slipping on my shoes. I ignore the goodbyes of Eddie as I leave the old apartment, slamming the door shut. I go down the old rickety stairs before my phone buzzes in my pocket.

I pull the phone out, the caller being private. I answer the call, half not thinking about who it could be. "You have an assignment, be here in half an hour." The call ends before I can say hello to the grouchy man, not like I'd want to anyways. I let out a loud groan, throwing my head back in frustration like a real teenager. A loud "shut up!" Comes from one of the apartments as I trudge back up stairs. I practically kick down the door as I catapult my bag through the hallway, it smashes on the ground loudly before sliding down the rest of the way. I switch to the small duffel bag that is at the front door.

"Oi! You oaf! What do you think you're doing.." I slam the door shut, stopping the old man's protests as I begrudgingly go back down the withered stairs. I take the opposite way from the school, towards the dreaded building.

The push the doors open harshly, stomping my way towards the familiar elevator. Why is it every time I'm here I'm angry? Actually, don't answer that. I ignore the gawking idiots as I press the button on the elevator a bunch of times, wanting the doors to close quicker. When the doors are finally about to close a hand stops it. The doors open much to my bemusement to a burly looking teenager. He strides in the elevator, his chest puffed out as he glances down at me, a ghost of a smirk on his face. He stands in the opposite corner, not pressing a button as the door closes.

"So you're the infamous Ace?" His British accent rolling in waves as sarcasm and disbelief laces his voice. "And?" I grumble. "And?" He scoffs, "and, you should know who I am." I scoff back, "look I don't have any ties with this place except for assignments." I say matter-of-factly. He just raises his eyebrow in mock.

"Well I'll have you know, I'm one of the best. Perhaps, even better than you. I'm Marcus Fortier." He boasts, insulting me at the same time as the doors open to my floor. I don't say anything as I walk out, turning and flip him off the whole way to the office. I kick the door open, chucking my bag down on the floor. "Man, what a fucking shithole he is." I shake my head as I plop myself into the chair. Raymond frowns, speaking to a client on the phone. "I'm going to have to call you back... yes... sorry. Goodbye." He's so much nicer to them then to me. He grabs a file from he draw, dropping the papers onto the table.

"We have a diamond authenticator. We don't have a lot of leads, just his name and where he works. Alexander McCoffin, he works at the jewellery shop near the outskirts of town." He sits back in his chair, folding his hands together. I slowly grab his file, picking it up and dropping it into a bin. "If you were gonna tell me, don't fucking write a report on it." He just tuts at me as I start to get up. "Wait." He grabs the file out of the bin and places it back on the table. "You are getting assigned a partner."

I blink at him. "What?"

He nods, "You can come in now." I turn towards the door in disgust as Marcus Fortier strolls in, planting himself into the chair. "Meet your new partner." I stare at Raymond in disbelief, shaking my head. "No... No! I am not working with this asshat!" The old man just shakes his head, muttering insults unprofessionally. "I presume you've become acquainted already. Good, then no need for introductions." He slides the dumped file towards the arse. He picks up the file, using two long, thin fingers and flicks through the pages. His gaze travels back up towards the the other arse.

"I presume we have as long as we want to finish this?" People get time to do assignments? I mutter curse words at the two, sulking in the comfy chair. Raymond nods, "Yes, you two are our best, so I am I wrong to assume you'll get this done quickly?" Marcus immediately shakes his head furiously, his eyebrows furrowing. "Of course not sir, you were right to assume." Raymond just nods as I look at Marcus in disgust. "Arse kisser." I whisper as he turns to me, a pissy look on his face before he turns back to the man in front.

"That is all you may leave." I get up straight away practically sprinting to the door planning on slamming it into his face. "Wait Ace." I let out the loudest groan I can, whipping around to glare at Raymond. "What?!" He ignores my outburst as he continues. "Don't go to school, this comes first." I think that is the first good thing that has come out of his mouth since I came in. I nod at him, opening the door and closing it sensibly and stroll down the corridor. My mood lifted from the revelation. No school means no "Bangtan" as they call themselves. That and the kids. And the teachers. And the work. So everything.

By the time I'm in and out the elevator, I'm walking through the first floor, a contend mood showering the area. Everyone still has their mouths to the floor, but probably from my good mood this time. I head out the front doors taking my time back to the house. My phone buzzes in my pocket, I pull it out to find two private messages from different numbers. I decide to read the first one.

You will meet your doom.

The idiots from school are threatening me again. I roll my eyes at the message and change the name from 'private' to 'the shits from school'. I decide not to answer this time, my mood being dampened the slightest before I open the other message.

Your assignment starts now, I said not to go to school.

"FUCK YOU RAYMOND!" I scream into the street.

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