Chapter 17

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"Everyone fucking move to one side!" I yell at the unmoving people on the ground crying. I dodge McCoffin's shot again, predicting his movements pretty well. "Jeongguk tell them!" He looks at me for a second, gathering his courage them pulling off his hoodie as he uses his place in society to guide people to one side of the train, in the corner. The shooter faces towards Jeongguk. "What do you think you're doi-"

"I'm over here idiot! Not there!" I taunt him as he brings the gun back towards me. I move behind chair as he shoots. The bullet grazes my arm where I last got shot. I grab my gun out of my jeans, firing a shot but he has already taken cover just in front of the hostages. "Don't want to shoot them now do we?" I mean I have good aim but I don't want to risk it. He goes to reach for Jeongguk but I fire a warning shot above him, at the roof. "Don't touch 'em!" He swivels towards me, firing a shot where I was before. He has lost me. "I know you're close with this one Ace." I know that he's pointing at Jeongguk, most likely grabbing him and using him as a shield by now.

"You don't want him getting hurt do you? So come out! I'll give you five seconds and I shoot!" He glares, pointing the gun right at his neck. Shit. Fuck come up with a plan dickwad.

"Five!" There isn't anything to do.

"Four!" I don't deal with fucking hostages!

"Three!" It's usually just me versus the opponent, no hostages or victims involved!

"Okay fine! Fine!" I slowly get up from my hiding place, the gun upside down, hanging on my pinky finger as my hands are lifting up. He smirks as he shoves the gun further into Jeongguk's neck, making him cough. "Shut up! Now come closer, I want to see the look of defeat on your face." I slowly walk closer, Jeongguk's eyes blazing with fear into mine through the hood. "Now take off that damn hood-" my gun fires upside down, the bullet grazing McCoffin's neck, giving me just enough time. I pull the daggers out of my shoes, discarding the gun, as I run towards the man, pushing Jeongguk out of his reach and my blades into his eyes. "Shut up! I've had it with people telling me to take my hood off." He screams in pain as I jump back from him. He lashes out trying to get a hit on me but he's too far away. His face is coated with blood as Jeongguk stares in shock before gagging.

I look at the hostages before quietly reaching Jeongguk. "Move them to the other side. Now." He does so quietly, trying not to gag and look at the scarred man. "Right here, Coffin man." He lashes out again, his yelling and cursing almost unstoppable. I can't kill him, not here. This will count as self defence. But the police will come. I need to figure out a way to get them to safety. I look up scanning the train as I realise stupidly, there are different rooms. I look over at the faces of shock and horror in the windows of the train rooms in front and behind. I gesture to Jeongguk, pointing to the closest one to them. He nods quietly, shaking in the process.

"Where are you, you damned monster!" He lashes out. My eyes see the gun close to him. He would be able to pick it up if he moved any closer. "Right here thief." He tries to stand up, succeeding and rushes after me, I avoid him like avoiding a bull as he crashes into the wall. The people in the room next door jumping back in fright. I move towards a chair making a lot of noise so Jeongguk can open the door. "Wrong way bozo! What are you an idiot! I was right next to you and you couldn't see it! Are you blind?" He charges full force yelling like a mad man as I nod at Jeongguk. He opens the door as McCoffin crashes into the chair. I go around him and for the gun.

His hand flailing out, and by chance grabs onto my jumper, he forcefully pulls me back into the chairs. I groan as blood soon coats my clothes. He reopened the wounds! It doesn't matter now, Jeongguk has closed the door successfully, saving them with the help of the other train. He hears my groan, attempting to grab onto me but I kick him in the face, more accurately the eyes as he stumbles back, cradling them in pain. His shoe falls on top of the glock that I had dropped before. It was only a small one, not that many bullets if I can just avoid- a bullet flies past me, grazing my ear. "You're breathing a lot heavier now Ace. Oh no have your wounds perhaps, reopened?" I stand up out of my defensive stance in the middle of the train. The small cries of the spectators reaching through to me.

"Kick him in the balls!"

"You can do it hoodie boy!"

"Defeat him!"

I hold my ragged breath, pulling out my black knife from my pocket. He shoots randomly, rushing now that he knows I am holding my breath. "You can't hold it for long Ace! You will have to breath at some point!" I dodge his aim, lining up mine as I close one eye. My eyes wander slightly, a fainting feeling building up inside. I throw the knife as it buries itself deep into his abdomen. He cries out in pain as he falls to the ground. I let out my breath that I had been holding. I walk towards him slowly, trying to regain my ragged breath.

A bullet fires from the gun as he smiles faintly. "Gotcha." His eyes close.

The bullet hits me in the chest as my body falls to the ground. I faintly hear the doors open as Jeongguk sprints towards me. "Yoongi!"

His muffled voice mixed with sirens lulls me to sleep.


A/N: just kidding triple update.

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