Chapter 25

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Waking up early, early as in the moon was still out, did not phase me right now. Deciding to have a second shower before heading out didn't phase me either. Bangtan following me to the agency also didn't really phase me. What did phase me though, was the catastrophe about to unfold right before my eyes.

It had been a while since I had moved in. A full week to be exact. My time occupied with school, research and development. I guess I should have known that it would come to this. McCoffin got the drop on me last time too.

I guess the agency was a lot less lively at night. Only bugs from the night could be heard, that and my shoes scraping on the ground. My hand reaches for the handle on the front door. It was unlocked. I cautiously open the door, the lights switched off inside. I walk in the darkness slowly, making my footsteps silent as I make my way to the hospital wing. I open the also unlocked door, switching on the light.

Blood was cascaded down the walls, painting the old white walls new shades of reds and browns. Torn papers and curtains, displaying the massacre that had happened. My boots make shapes in the bloody floor, stepping past the men and women littering the floor like flies. I pull back the curtain at the end of the room. A wheezing and convulsing man on the bed. Eddie's body covered in blood as his mouth foams uncontrollably. I grab him, cradling him in my arms as he shakes and inhumanely vibrates. "Shh. It's okay, you're okay Edward. Shh. Shh. It's okay.... It is okay." He stops moving, his eyes glazed over with death as his eyes stare into oblivion. I put him back on the bloody bed, and wipe his mouth with a nearby cloth. I pull back the shower curtain slowly, standing still for a few minutes in the stench of death and rot.

Stepping out into the darkness again, I close the door silently. A sniffle escapes as I walk to the light switch and flick it on. Bodies litter the floor just like the medical room. I make my way to the elevator pressing the button as the doors close.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Shut up. He is going inside. Let's go!" Seokjin whisper yells, jumping out of his hiding spot to follow Yoongi. The rest follow warily behind him to the abandoned building. "Is this where you went before? Is this where the so called Eddie is?" Seokjin doesn't answer Taehyung's question instead, as quietly as he can, opening the door. A waft of stench blows into their faces, almost gagging loudly. Seokjin enters the almost pitch black building. "What the fuck is that smell?" They hold their noses as Seokjin tries his memory for the elevator in the darkness. They follow him, holding onto each others shirts in a line until Seokjin opens the elevator doors, a little light in the box. They enter as the oldest presses the worn out button, making their way to the only place Seokjin knows of.

Walking down the hallway was a bit easier, a little light flooding the ground beneath them and the smell not as terrible. "If I remember correctly it is on this side somewhere..." Seokjin trails off. Turns out his memory was not serving them as well as they thought. They walk past Raymond's office and further down the hallway until suddenly a door on their right opens, tugging them through the door.

"Hands up or I'll shoot you bastards!"

I open Raymond's office doors, finding it in the state of almost every other room in the shit hole. Blood coats the walls yet again, McCoffin's men littering the ground unenthusiastically. I step out, walking down the hallway to a wide open space. The sunrise leaking through the windows and onto McCoffin's face as he smiles. The men around him illuminated in the light. "Finally decided to join us didn't you?"

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