Chapter 7

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A/N: okay guys I know I've like yeeted  out of this joint but still lowkey here for like almost a month now, but I swear there was/still is a reason for this. I was not in a good mental state when writing my last book and the last chapters up until now. I had severe body issues with myself and I just didn't feel like doing anything and the book writing was basically my outlet.

In the time I've been away was my kinda self healing you could call it. I will still update this book if you are asking, but I think I'll be focusing on myself and school than the book. Don't get me wrong I love writing and this book so far, I would just like to keep my mental and physical health well. So to thank you all for waiting so long for a chapter here you are!


This is the point that I start creating theories. Well, more than before. Why does everyone listen to what Seokjin says? Are they really just a famous group? I mean, Seokjin can be the gang leader, and everyone just follows his orders. Namjoon and Hoseok clearly didn't like being on the bus at all. Maybe their director is the gang leader, and Seokjin is-"What are you thinking about?" I jump back so hard that my back hits the chair. Jeongguk stares at me in surprise, "Sorry, you were just so in your thoughts you didn't hear me."

"What?" I say, not intending to be rude.

"Erm, I was asking which book you wanted to do. For you know, English." He half stutters out while I just look at him, perplexed. He is supposed to be the rebellion kid right? Rebelling against the school, his mom and all that. Yet, here he is stuttering and smiling with his friends. Talk about an incomplete character. "Going solo, Roald Dahl." I say automatically.

He furrows his eyebrows, "Why that book, isn't he a child's book writer?" Clearly, he hasn't read much books. Although, I can't say anything different, I haven't read many. That book was one of only the few books I've ever read. "He doesn't just write children's books, that book is about the time he went to war in Africa. It's a good book." I defend him subconsciously. He shrugs at my defence of the author, "Okay then we can do that book. I'll have to read it though." I just nod, already feeling tired of being here and surrounded by people.

Jeongguk turns the television on as he flickers through the channels for a bit. Namjoon and Hoseok yell at him to stop and to just choose a channel which makes me laugh quietly. Jeongguk looks at me weirdly. "What?" I say, turning to face him as he squirms. "N-nothing." He shoots his head back towards the two ladies on the television, sitting stiffly. I just shrug it off and slide back further into the couch.

"FOOD!" Seokjin's loud voice hurts my ears. I cover them as everyone is already up and racing towards the kitchen. "What the hell?" I mutter, shaking my head as I slowly make my way towards the kitchen. As I step into the kitchen the sight makes me rub my eyes in disbelief. Is this real? It's only been twenty seconds and literally everyone is at the table, a full plate and scoffing down their food like they've starved for 15 years.

I cautiously tiptoe towards the dining table, I do not want a spare chicken wing flying into my eye. "Yoongi! You're a bit late. I saved some for you." Seokjin says smiling after just gulping down the last of his lettuce. He pats a seat next to him as I slowly make my way over and slip myself into the seat. The blue plastic plate is filled to the brim with different kinds of good looking food. I look at the food, then towards the table of dogs, and shrug. I was hungry too and I wasn't willing to eat like a posh lady at a fancy restaurant.

I grab a big church of lettuce and shove a bit of everything on the plate before opening my mouth as wide as I can and putting it in my mouth. I quietly moan and close my eyes at the taste as I chew as best I can with a full mouth. I gulp it down and open my eyes to see everyone looking at me. "What?" How many times have I had to ask that this afternoon? They all look at me with a bit of disbelief before Namjoon speaks, "Well we thought you know.. You would.. eat.. differently?" It comes out as a question as Seokjin answers a bit more bluntly.

"You look so small and we, well i thought you'd eat more... cleaner." I just shrug at them, "Surprise." We all start eating again, I get a few looks throughout as I ignore it. As I finish, I get up and bring my plate to the table and put it in the sink and start washing it. "Ah, we have a dishwasher you know." Seokjin goes to reach for my hand to stop me but my hands are already away from the plates. "Okay." I put everything in the dishwasher and walk away to the couch. I sit down as I wait for Jeongguk to finish.

My phone buzzes as I pull it out my pocket. A private number has texted me, I hope it's not one of the gang. I open the message.

They will never like you faggot.

Oh wow, I thought this was 2019. Who anonymously texts people nowadays? Although I know this is a stupid message, my anger issues are too stupid to realise it.

Try me bitch.

They will always hate you after I'm done with you.

I think they probably hate people like you.

I beg to differ, bitch.

Then beg.

I roll my eyes at my anger issues and the idiot who has texted me. How they even get my number anyways? Even gangs can't get this phone number that easily, although it's a good chance it's that stalker who tried to slap me this morning. She probably bribed the headmaster for the number that I registered for the school. I shut off the phone as I hear footsteps approach me.

"What were you doing?" Jeongguk asks me.



"An idiot." He fuels his eyebrows at my answer but continues on anyways. "Look, can we try and get most of this assignment done today? I kind of have a lot to do every other day." I roll my eyes at him, don't think I didn't know about his little pranks of the school. An act of "rebellion" he probably sees it as. I nod anyways, it's not like I want to spend my time here when I could get some money instead. He runs upstairs to grab his laptop as I sit back into the couch again. Taehyung walks into the room, his long strides leading him into the seat next to mine.

We sit awkwardly for a few seconds before his deep voice rings in my ears. "You're younger than me so call me hyung." I look up at him confusedly, his hard gaze already set onto mine.

"..okay... hyung?" He just stands up again and stalks out of the living room just before Jeongguk comes back and plants his laptop onto the table. We get to work straight away.

A few hours past before we have half finished two thirds of the assignment. Jeongguk stretches out his limbs and practically collapses against the couch. "Ahh that was so much work!" He whines. I stand up after grabbing my stuff and look at him, "We have done enough, I'm going to go home." I start walking off before he stands up in protest. "Wait!" I turn back to him, waiting for an explanation. "Do you, erm, maybe want to stay for dinner?" He stammers.

"No." I turn around, grabbing my bag from the front door and shove my stuff in it, opening the door. I turn around quickly, "Bye." I say quietly, he looks at me and smiles. "Bye." I swiftly close the front door. I look both ways before remembering the way we came to school. I looked out the window the whole time, I made sure to remember the way here. I am not asking for a ride home ever, especially not from these guys.

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