1- Fascinating Spider

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•3rd person•

"Happy birthday to you!" Peter's aunt and uncle sing as they place the cake in front of Peter.

Peter blew out the candles and smiles.

"You're seven now Peter! How do you feel?" Ben asks as he records this moment.

"Awesome!" Peter jumps up and down, "can we cake now?"

May and Ben laugh. They grab a knife and cut into the cake, creating slices.

"Here you go!" Ben says as he placed a slice of cake on Peter's plate.

Peter immediately digs into the cake.

"Should we tell him the big surprise?" May whispers into Ben's ear.


May looks at Peter who is shoving cake into his mouth, she laughs. "Slow down there," she laughs again.

He looks up at her and smiles.

"Anyways, we better clean you up before the big surprise!" May says. Peter starts jumping up and down once again in excitement.

•10 minutes•

May leads Peter down stairs where they are met by Ben.

"What's in there aunt May?" Peter asks.

"You'll see," she responds as Ben opens the door, revealing a science lab.

"This was your fathers lab where he done many projects," Ben explains.

Peter looks around in shock. He finally got to see his father's lab.

Peter sees something slightly glowing in a jar.

He walks over to it and in the jar holds a spider.

"Ah, this was one of your fathers greatest experiments," Ben says. "No one knows if it's dangerous or not, he never got the chance to test it out."

Peter puts the jar down, still fascinated in it.

He walks away to see if he can find something else that is cool.

•bed time (10pm)•

"Goodnight Peter," May says.

"Goodnight," he responds.

Peter really wants to see the spider again. He can't stop thinking about how it glowed. He is overly fascinated. He needed to see it again.

•30 minutes later•

The whole house is silent. Peter assumes that his uncle and aunt are sleeping. So he leaves his room and runs down to the lab.

He opens the door, but it is dark.

He looks around for a light switch. When he finds it, he flips the switch and the lab brightens up.

He looks around until he sees the jar glowing.

He picked up the jar and sat on the floor with it.

"Pretty spider," Peter smiles while twisting the lid off the jar. "Pretty spider deserves to be free and make other pretty spiders."
And with that, the lid slides off and the spider jumps on the floor.

"Run pretty spider," he says.

The spider looks at Peter.

Peter laughs slightly. "May I pat you pretty spider?"

When Peter obviously didn't get a response.... because it's a spider, he lifts his hand carefully and places it on the spider's back.

"Nice spider."

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