Im sorrrry ;-;

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So....I'm sorry


I'm discontinuing this story...

April fools! I wouldn't do that to y'all

But I am sincerely sorry to say that I have once again been tagged but this one I actually like cauz y'all can get to know stuff bout me by these specific questions

But I am sincerely sorry to say that I have once again been tagged but this one I actually like cauz y'all can get to know stuff bout me by these specific questions

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1. Sophie Lee Paige

2. Drawing, games and writing fanfics

3. Being the FNAF obsessed annoying person I am, It's been so long by TLT

4. Home screen background for meh phone:

 Home screen background for meh phone:

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5. Yep two.
One is to become my dream job, a reptile zookeeper and Two is to marry timtams

6. Lol wats sleep

7. 9 Irl friends. 12 online friends.

8. What sort of question is this....very much a big fat No from me

9. Photography

10. AUSTRLAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, where 827392729202 different deadly species of spiders and snakes exist! :D

11. Meh

12. Yes but actually no

13. How much do I-??? Wat does this mean Lol....oh! Does it mean how much money my parents have to spend on me? Cauz if that's the case welll...let's just say I eat nearly the whole cupboard and fridge full of food on the day my mom goes grocery shoppping....

14. Imagine dragonsssssss! TLT!!!!! BILLIE EILISH!!! HALSEYYYYYYYYYY

15. Yes

16. I try to and I love drawing but I'm defiantly not the best

17. 6 periods and each lesson goes for 56 minutes

18. Yep

19. Singleee PRINGLE

20. Be either Tom Holland or FusionZGamer (Ik he isn't really famous but he mah fav YouTuber)

So there y'all go

I'm probs gonna post the new chapter either on my bday or after which is real soon, so stay tuned :D


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