10- Trouble Before Park

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It's been six days. Six whole days of living with the avengers, world's most mightiest heroes.

Peter really can't take it anymore. Everyone talks to each other all the time, it's always so happy.

He misses back chatting and making comebacks towards the guards and gets no punishment for it, he misses going on fun mission, he missed his friends, he misses HYDRA.

But, Tony said a few days ago that they would go to the park with the other avengers. They haven't been yet and Peter actually wants to go, surprisingly.

Peter gets out of bed and checks the time on his new phone Tony brought him. Tony taught him how to use it.

It reads '7:24am'.

"Hey FRIDAY, is breakfast ready?" Peter asks. Yeah, Tony also taught Peter how to contact with FRIDAY, easily.

"Not yet Peter. Steve is currently cooking pancakes, it should be ready in two minutes," the A.I responds.

Peter walks out his room, upstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning kid," Tony says as he sips his coffee.

"Hey," Peter replies.

"Want any pancakes Peter?" Steve asks.

"Sure, I'll have about five."

Steve starts piling up pancakes on several different plates.

"Here ya go everyone," Steve says. Everyone starts getting up from couches and benches to collect their plate.

Peter gets his plate and sits next to Tony.

"So uhh, can we go to the park today?" Peter asks.

Tony looks down at him and smiles "sure," Tony looks up at everyone else "who else wants to come?"

Everyone says yes to going to the park. They agreed on a time, 12pm, and start doing their own thing.

Peter goes up to his room and for once he isn't thinking of his evil plot twist attack. He thinks of the park. He barley remembers what a park is but he knows it's fun. He knows that he use to go there, too bad HYDRA wiped his memory.

He jumps on his bed after picking up his phone. He checks the time, '8:02am'.

He lays down and closes his eyes, he has nothing better to do, so he soon falls to sleep.

"Hey, hey wake up," Peter faintly hears. "We're going to the park now, get dressed."

Peter fully opens his eyes and sees Tony. He smiles. He jumps out of bed and Tony walks out the room.

He walks into his closet and picks out a pair of clothes.

By the time he finishes the time is '11:55am'.

He walks out his room to be met by...oh my god.


Ava turns around with a smile but it immediately disappears. "W-What the h-hell are you do-doing here?"

"I umm, I-I-I don't know," is all Peter manages to say. "How are you back?"

"I escaped and now I'm here so the avengers protect me," She states. "Why are you here? I want a straight up answer!"

"They caught me and I've been here for the past six days! They are keeping me here and away from HYDRA so I can escape that torture hole," Peter says.

"I don't know a lot about HYDRA, but I do know that isn't a torture hole!" Ava complains.

"How do you know? You don't know anything!" Peter yells.

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