20- Interrogation For Actual Information

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I-is that a? An update? Not stupid updates on my life? Wow, I'm not a failure

"Jesus Christ am I going to be here all day?" Peter whined as he still sits in the jet, waiting for the avengers to get him inside somehow.

"This is your fault, don't complain to us," Bruce says.

"I've been sitting here for three f*CKING HOURS," Peter complains once again.

"Language!" Steve yells.

"Everyone. Just. Shut. Up," Natasha says, beginning the silence.

Peter sighs as he closes his eyes, he'd be able to get a month of sleep before the group of heroes starts a plan. Maybe he can get some actual sleep...that's until he starts to hear whispering and commotion going on.

'Fricken idiots think I can't hear them' Peter thinks, listening to the conversation.

His eyes lock on the figure walking towards him, another following.

"Alright, I think we will just have to try with Fury's plan," Steve states.

"Agreed," Bucky says.

"He is just a teenager with a bit of extra strength, how hard could it be?" Clint shrugs to his own question.

Steve starts to slowly loosen the restraints...Peter is still.

When the restraints are completely loose.....nothing happens. (Oooo dramatic)

No one moves for a moment, until Peter speaks up, "so...are you gonna carry me inside like a baby or am I walking in by myself?"

"He's acting calm, which is overly suspicious," Clint pointed out.

"Damn I betray one group of heroes and I'm never to be trusted again," Peter jokes.

The avengers look at him with an indescribable look.

"Just a little joke," Peter says, standing up. He claps his hands together and looks around the jet.

Steve's automatic reaction immediately grabbed his arm to pull Peter towards him.

"Wow, dude, chill out. Does it look like I'm doing anything?" Peter rhetorically asked.

Soon enough the avengers are FINALLY, walking around the surface of the helicarrier with Peter under control (gosh sounds like Peter is a little kid who is running around and yelling). The group was surprised Peter was very calm and joking around with everyone obviously trying to annoy the living shit out of them.

They all reached the room (okay so u know that main room wheee they discussed the whole 'Loki is playing gala ga' situation? Yeh that room) where they are met by Nick, Maria, Coulson and a few guards, who of course take Peter away to somewhere else.

"Take him to the interrogation room," Fury orders the guard who click handcuffs around Peter's wrist.

Peter looks up at Fury with amusement and holds up his hands, "these? You think these are going to hold me? Look, Mr. Pirate, I appreciate you trying to contain me but if I'm going to be arrested I'd like it to be done properly."

Before Peter says anything else the guard walk away with him.

Nick looks back at the avengers and sighs with disappointed, "What took you all so damn long?"

"Excuse me? You could have stayed there with us to make a plan but you decided to bring your lazy and clueless ass in here, to eat donuts," Tony snaps, watching Nick slowly put down the half eaten donut.

Nick death stares Tony down before looking away and motioning him, Steve, Bucky and Phil to follow himself.

Nick leads the four to the interrogation room and sees the guards successfully making sure Peter doesn't escape the room. Nick let's the others in and let's the guards out. He goes around the table and sits across from Peter.

"Now its a party," Peter cheers.

"There will be no more jokes from now on," Nick firmly says, "and place your hands on the table."

"Why? Why can't I have my hands on my lap? Have you got a thing against-"

"Place your hands on the table," Nick interrupted, staring into Peter's eyes.

It was like an intense staring competition, staring for your life. This was until Peter lifted his arms and slammed his hands down of the table loudly. Both kept a straight face until Peter starting laughing.

"F*cking idiots think I will talk? Again? I didn't before what makes you think I will now? Huh?"

"You will talk," Nick simply states.

"Oh I'm so intimidated, oh no what am i going to do?" Peter sarcastically says.

Nick stares blankly at Peter before sighing out of annoyance. He completely ignores Peter's remarks and begins talking, "where is the base?"

"I don't know," Peter shrugs.

"The quicker you answer these questions, the quicker you will be left alone," Nick grumbles like an old grandpa.

Peter lets out a chuckle, "left alone to do what? Sit in my lonely cell and enjoy staring at the wall?"

"You wouldn't have to do that if you didn't choose this life, would you now?"

"You think I wanted this life?" Peter yells, "you think I walked there by myself and asked if I could be with them? THEY F*CKING TOOK ME! AWAY FROM MY ONLY FAMILY LEFT AND PUT ME THERE!"

"We understand that. But we have you a chance with the avengers and you decided to follow HYDRA and not a free life," Nick says through gritted teeth.

"I hate you," Peter says in a very low voice but it eventually raises with each word, "I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU! Wait till I get my team onto you, they'll blast on your ass (plz someone? Plz?), especially Stri-" he stops himself before exposing the name.

Nick's plain and emotionless face gains a smug smile, "would you mind repeating that name for me?"

With no response, Steve looks at Tony and whispers, "this is going to be a long night."


Hi...it's been a while...since an update...hi.

Anyways the reason why I've be-HOLY FUCKEN SHIIIIIIT 14 FUCK. ING. DAYS. UNTIL AVENGERS ENDGA-FUCK. FUCKKKK. *inhales* *exhales* so, I live in Australia and it comes out on the 24th and where I live it is a midnight release. Yes. 12am-3am. Me, a very emotional and dramatic person, watching  the movie that is going to be my death at 3am...Lol.

So the real reason why I've been gone longer than usual is fucken school and other problems. Mainly the fact that my whole family don't believe me that I feel I have insomnia and most probably anxiety...fucken great ya know?

But now it's the holidays for two weeks where I can sit in my room the whole time and write this story and finish it so I can release 'after homecoming' and start other stories *cough cough* sequel *cough cough*

Until next time

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