7- Bringing Tony Home

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•3rd person•at the HQ•

"We should really trust him?" Nat asks Steve.

"Yes, he needs help, but if anything seems wrong about him we will turn him into SHIELD immediately." Steve turns back to Bucky "you said his name was Peter Parker?"

Bucky nods and heads towards the bathroom.

"FRIDAY, background check on Peter Parker," Steve says.

"Of course sir... Peter Parker, parents died when he was six in a plane crash. He lived with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May for a year before he was kidnapped by HYDRA."

"He was only seven and he's a teenager now. How old?" Nat asks.

"I'd say about 15 or 16," Steve says.

"I'm sure he can't be that dangerous, he's only young", Nat says.

"That's true but no one knows how long he's been trained for, by what we know he could probably beat me in a fight," Steve says.

"Indeed he can," Bucky interrupts. Steve and Natasha turn around to see Bucky standing at the stairs. "HYDRA knew if they started hurting him from a young age he would cooperate and turn into their weapon. They had him mind controlled and he started missions at the age of ten, even then he was close to killing people. Who knows what he could do now."

"Obviously a lot, so we need to give him a better chance at life and we need to help him. We will get FRIDAY to watch over him and make sure he doesn't do anything that makes us regret having him here. But if we do catch him in an act, we will send him to SHIELD," Steve explains.

Little did he know Spider was outside listening to everything. He waits a little longer so it didn't seem suspicious that it didn't take long to bring Tony back.

After he times around ten minutes he walks back in.

"He needs medical attention," Spider says, making his breaths seem heavy. "Where's your lab?"

"W-we call it a med bay here Peter, here give him to me and I'll get our doctor to come," Steve says.

"Peter?" Spider whispers.

"Yeah, that's your name," Steve smiles.

Peter has to play along. He knows that isn't his name, but he doesn't want to be caught. "I like it."

Steve smiles and takes Tony from Peter's hands.

"I-I can assist him," Peter says. "I learnt how to do first aid just in case I needed it for my team," Peter says sadly.

"About your team, would they be in trouble right now," Steve asks.

"Yep, they wanted to get out of there just as much I did. Who knows what's happening to them right now," Peter says.

Steve looks down at him with a sad expression and not knowing what to say.

"But I'm willing to help you, so uhh where's your lab?" Peter asks.

"First of all, it's called a med bay and second FRIDAY take our guest, Peter, to the med bay please," Steve says.

"Okay," FRIDAY says, which makes Peter jump.

"A talking room, cool," Peter says as FRIDAY leads Peter to the med bay.

Peter lays Tony down on a bed. He connects him to a heart monitor and starts searching for bandages and bandaids.

'Why am I doing this? I don't want to help them, but I have to. Maybe I should kill them all right now, no. I have to earn their trust' Peter was thinking to himself while wrapping Tony's wounds. 'But I miss my friends. I need to finish this mission quickly' Peter sighs.

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