3- The Weapon

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(Short info chapter)

•3rd person•at the avengers HQ•

Tony is sitting at the table he would usually sit at with his intern and talk about stuff, but today she was not there.

Steve walks in and sees Tony's worried facial expression.

"Hey it's 5:30 why isn't Ava here yet?" Steve asks.

"I don't know, she won't answer my texts or calls," Tony responds.

"Guys Ava isn't h-"

"We know!" Tony yells, cutting Clint off.

•1 hour•

The avengers start to gather up in the meeting room.

"So as we all know, Ava hasn't shown up nor answered our texts or calls, something has happened," Tony explains.

"Fury is sorting something out and will call us, he has really important information," Steve says.

A few minutes went by and Fury finally starts calling the avengers.

"Avengers, I have newly found information. The five teens that were at the school today are associated with HYDRA."

Bucky looks up at the screen straight away, "HYDRA?"

Fury nods, "Agents inspected the HYDRA base they arrived at, it's fairly close to Queens. It also appears that Ava has been taken by them."

Tony looks at the ground, worried for his intern.

"They have also recently found out about this weapon HYDRA is currently creating and has been creating it for the past nine years. We don't know what this weapon is yet but it is terribly dangerous." Fury finishes, "That's all the information we have for now, contact if you find anything else." And with that Fury ends the call.

"A weapon," Bucky whispers to himself.

—Flash Back—

"We need to get this research finished!" Adam shouted.

"But sir, we don't-"

"I WANT THIS FINISHED! IF WE DON'T START NOW IT WILL BE A FAILURE!" Adam shouted even louder. "He is going to be our successful weapon."

—End Flash Back—

"Bucky you Okay?" Steve asks. Bucky widens his eyes and looks at him.

"Th-the weapon, I-it's a person," Bucky stutters.

The avengers exchange glances before looking back at Bucky, "tell us everything you remember."

"It was just an average day inside HYDRA, I was at the base near Brooklyn. Then, literally everyone started yelling. There were soldiers everywhere, walking out the doors. Adam, the boss shouted to be quicker," Bucky started, but had a pause to remember. "After a while they all came back but this time I say a little boy walking with Adam, he was no older than 10. Anyways when they brought him in they went straight to the lab. The word got around that he was bitten by a spider, if I can remember. A radioactive experiment. So they ran tests on the boy, soon enough they found out he could climb walls, shoot webs, enhanced hearing and spider senses. They had great plans. But after 6 months they transported him to another HYDRA base, I don't know where. He-he has a name... it started with a 'p' i think," Bucky stops. "And then they started calling him Spider or-umm, I cant remember the other name. They brain washed him from such a young age. And that's all I can remember."

"Do you remember what he looked like?" Tony asks.

"Sort of, short brown hair and dark brown eyes. He also had a spider tattoo on his hand that they gave him."

Tony looks at Natasha straight away.

He was right there the whole time.


What did y'all think of the FFH trailer.
My opinion:
*deep breath*
*starts breathing again*
Btw if you haven't you should check out my concept trailer on my insta @spiderstark.lee (it's on my insta cauz idk how to upload videos on wattpad so if u know plz tell me how thnx)

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