14- Suspicions

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•3rd person•

"DAAAAA-MR STARK!" Peter covers his mouth immediately "shit shit shit," he mutters to himself. He actually nearly called mr stark his dad, again. He's getting too attached. He needs to make a move soon.

"Did you nearly call dad? Again?" Tony asks.

"Pfft no."

Tony looks at him suspiciously before asking "so what did you need?"

"Can we go to the pet shop?" Peter asks.

"Wha-why? Everyone knows how I feel about pets," Tony replies.

"Ok cool great let's go!"

"No, no pet shop," Tony says.


"No," Tony says and quickly walks away.

Peter rolls his eyes. 'What now what now?'.

"NATASHA!" Peter shouts.

Natasha comes running upstairs from the training room. "Yea-oh my god you sound like Tony."

"I do? Uhh never mind. Look we don't hang out much but can you drive?" Peter asks.

"Yes, why?"

"Pet shop."


"Buy a pet."

"Why?" Natasha asks suspiciously.

"I need some company in my room," Peter replies.

"You do know I don't trust you? Steve and Tony are crazy to keep you here," Natasha says.

"I know you don't trust me, but please! We can have a mini bonding session and get ice cream too!" Peter smiles.

"Don't trust you, you could poison my ice cream," Natasha says.

"Oh come on! I'm not going to poison you, just please take me to the pet shop."


"Yay thank you!" Peter cheers.

"Let's go," Natasha leads Peter to her car and they drive off to the pet shop.

•at the pet shop•

"I'll be quick," Peter tells Natasha.

He gets out the car and walks into the pet shop. He looks around for a distraction pet. Dogs are too big, Too many birds in the HQ already, cats are too dumb and fish can't walk.

His last choices is a spider or a hamster. Hamsters are cute but spiders are more his type, plus that's what animal he planned for.

He pulls out the cash Tony gave him a few days ago when they went shopping.

"How much for the spider?" Peter asks one of the cashiers.

"Seventy-five dollars. That includes a tank," the cashier replies.

"Cool and umm what type of spider is it?"

"A tarantula."

Peter lit up, perfect. "I'll have it please."

When he was all finished, he walks outside. But he hears something, like, a voice. A voice calling him to the alley next to him.

He looks at Natasha's car and sees that she is distracted looking at her phone. So he turns towards the alleyway and walks.

"Who is it? I'm a deadly assassin so I can knock ur head clean-Loki?"

"Hello Peter," Loki says.

"What are you doing here?" Peter asks.

"Seeing what your up to."

"I'm up to starting my plan. This is my new pet spider and it'll be a distraction for the start of the plan," Peter explains.

"I see. Think it will work?"


Loki nods at Peter's Answer.

"Anyways ignore my plan, how'd you get here? Aren't you being watched by everyone?" Peter asks.

"I always get my way and I wanted to see how you were going with your wonderful plan to destroy the avengers."

Peter smiles "soon. Real soon."

While Peter is talking with Loki, Natasha is in her car wondering what's taking so long.

She winds her window down and looks through the pet shop window and merely sees inside. She sees people, not too many. But she can't see one person in particular, Peter.

Peter's spidey senses are blaring. He doesn't know why. But he reacts quickly. "Loki get out of here," Peter whispers. "Now."

Loki quickly fades away with a green light (i don't understand how to explain his powers well so bare with me) and disappears.

Peter grabs the spider out the tank and puts it on the floor.

"Stupid spider get in the fricken tank!" He yells.

"Hey Peter, what's going on?" Natasha asks suspiciously.

"I walked out the pet shop and I must off left the roof off and he jumped out and ran, so I have to catch him," he explains.

Natasha nods, but she knows what really went on. But if she called him out now, they would have a fight then Peter will call his friends, and as much as Natasha doesn't want to admit, they would take her down.

Peter catches the spider and puts it back. He looks up at Natasha who still looks suspiciously at him. "What?" He asks.

There was a little pause before Natasha speaks "nothing."

Without another word they both walk back to the car and go home.

They arrive at the tower and Peter runs inside. "EVERYONE LOOK WHAT I HAVE!"

Tony and Steve walk into the room and see the tank with a fricken tarantula inside it.


Peter laughs "it's tarantula named Kyhle."


"Yep," Peter smiles.

"NATASHA YOU LET HIM BUY A TARANTULA!" Tony yells when he sees Natasha walk in.

"I didn't go in with him," Natasha replies.

"WHAT! Why? He could of ran away!" Tony argues.

"He done worse than run away Tony," Natasha says. Peter freezes, does she know?


Kyhle the spider yayyyyyy!

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