26- Its Only The Start Of Chaos

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•With edgy squad•

Eagle begins to wake up, knowing this is the start of a bad day. She can tell from how bad her head is aching.

'I feel like shit' she thinks to herself. She groans and gets out of bed slowly. Forcing herself to walk out to the kitchen.

"Morning Eagle, how'd you sleep? I had a great sleep on that bed. Very comfortable I must say," Tele says.

The only reply he heard was a grouch, then her words following, "Why don't we have any water!"

"Because...we escaped a place and needed to get away so we hid in the best place we could find, we didn't have time to go get some water. Oh and we're broke," Tele explains.

Strike gestures over to the tap near the sink, "just get some water from the tap."

"Urgg!" Eagle complains.

Tele and Strike share a questioning look but also one that says 'oh yay, a grumpy Eagle'.

"What's wrong with you today?" Strike asks.

"Shut up, not in mood," Eagle replies, inhaling the water.

"Aww what's wrong? Did little Eagle fall out her nest?" Tele teases, earning a small laugh from Shock and Strike who try their best to cover it up.

"I said..." Eagle turns around, grabbing one of Strike's pistols from the table near her and immediately shooting it at Tele's foot, "I'm not in the mood."

"F*ck!" Tele shouts, "What the hell?"

Eagle walks out the kitchen, with an even worse headache, and to her room.

Back in the kitchen Shock helps Tele with the wound. It's completely silent and everyone is bored.

"So...Tele...the weathers nice today," Strike says, trying to start some sort of conversation.

Tele glares at him, "we haven't been outside Strike."

"...right. Right. Well I like your hairstyle," Strike points out.

"Strike stop flirting with him and get me a bandage," Shock says.

Tele groans and says, "Shock it's not that bad! It's only a fricken foot."

Shock slaps him over the head, "respect your foot. You only have two of them."

Tele replies with an eye roll. Strike hands over a bandage to Shock and she wraps it around the wound.

"Can we get food Now?" Strike asks, finally happy she are done with aiding Tele.

"Yep sure, just let me get my purse with my money in it-oh Wait that's right," Shock says sarcastically, looking at Strike with a 'are you serious?' expression.

"Who says we need to pay?" Strike says.

"Are you hinting we steal?" Shock squeaks, with utter surprise.

Strike's eyes trail off to the distance, "maybe?"

Shock scoffs, "Strike. Listen to me, we may kill and break into a lot of different places. But looks at us, we are in no condition to steal. The avengers are already on our trail ever since the attack, I bet they are looking around the town right now. We can't go out."

Strike rolls his eyes, "mkay, have fun starving."

He barges outside, slamming the door behind him.


Clint's foot taps against the table. His legs resting on the chair as he slouches back on another chair.

Sam glares at him, the tapping noise slowly making his nerves become on edge.

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