8- Operation Information

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I posted this earlier than I should have, it's a bit rushed and bad but I remembered school is straying soon so updating will be ALOT slower, so I'm gonna try to upload as many chapters as I can before school starts

"What do you mean? Loki comes peacefully," Thor says.

"He tried to kill us all!" Tony yells.

Peter already likes Loki.

"So did he," Steve sasses, as he points at Peter.

"Should I put the child in Asgardian jail where we will never have freedom again?" Thor asks.

"Thor no, he's with us. But if he tries anything we're turning him into shield," Steve explains.

"Very well."

After a few minutes of hanging out with the gods, of course Peter and Loki weren't even allowed to look at each other, Tony decides to show Peter his room.

When Peter walks in he's pretty sure it's not a room and it's his own house. It's huge.

King size bed, walk-in closet, bathroom connected to his room and a huge desk.

"I've programmed high security in here, no offence," Tony states.

"It's all good, I understand. You don't trust an overly deadly assassin who tried to kill everyone, and has killed people, with his four other overly deadly assassin friends, makes sense," Peter smiles and sits on his bed.

Tony sighs and sits next to Peter.

"You're Lucky, all your friends help people, your friends don't get locked up and tortured and they don't kill innocent people," Peter places his head in his hands "I miss them."

Tony placed his hand on Peter's shoulder, hesitated. "I'm sorry that there is nothing we can do about it."

Peter smiled slightly "I know and I'm not gonna ask you all to risk your lives to save them. I should be okay."

Tony wasn't sure why he is being so...supportive? caring? Towards the kid already. He literally only hated the kid not long ago, but has wanted a kid for a while, but he never imagined to be like this.

"Well I have to go and talk which the group, stay here if you want or you can come down. I'll get FRIDAY to alert you when dinner is ready," Tony says as he stands up.

"Thanks, Mr. Stark," Peter smiles. Tony walks out the door and Peter rolls his eyes. "I hate this so much," he mutters to himself.

He hears knocks at the door. "Who is it?"


'What?'. "Oh uhh, come in," Peter says.

Loki walks in his room and smiles. "So you tried to kill them?"

"I mean, sort of," Peter says. "And you tried to as well? When?"

"A few years ago and you?"

"Friday night," Peter answers.

Loki looks concentrated on something. Peter is confused but ignores it.

Loki starts smirking "planning to kill them aren't you? Planning to kill them all?"

"No! No not at all!" Peter says, remembering the cameras. He eyes off the camera hoping Loki will notice.

Loki sees the camera "ah," he nods.

Peter walks in the bathroom because why would there be cameras in there? Loki disappears and reappears in the bathroom, teleportation.

"How are you in here anyways? Didn't
Tony say he didn't want us to meet because we have the same excitement over killing the avengers?" Peter asked.

"I'm not here, this is a magical duplicate of myself."

Peter nodded.

"So are you planning to kill them all?" Loki asks again.

Peter nods. "Like I'm actually gonna stay here, HYDRA is my real home."

"You work with HYDRA?" Loki asks, slightly surprised.

Peter nods again. "Earning their trust first before attacking," he whispers.

"Smart. Do you know their weaknesses?" Loki asks.

"Tony's arc reactor and Steve's shield."

"That's all you know?" Loki's asks.

Peter frowns "that's all the information the intern gave us."

"You know the metal armed man and Romanoff?" Loki asks, Peter nods. "Take away their guns, they are still good at hand to hand combat but I assume you are too?"

Peter nods again "Trained for a really long time."

"Good. Barton loves his bow, take it away and you won't have to worry about arrows. Take the wings off the flying bird man and if you turn the power off Stark won't be able to access his suit. Bruce Banner is the hulk, I uh, don't know his weakness sorry and my brother is the god of lightning so when you attack the avengers, try not to let them alert him," Loki explains.

Peter smiles "why are you telling me all this?"

"I want revenge but I am watched by everyone, I can't do it. So I'm passing the information to you," Loki says.

"Thanks," Peter says, smiling to himself.

"So what's your first move going to be child?" Loki asks.

"First I'm planning to earn their trust, like I said, and play along, second I'm going to start plotting a plan for attack and lastly i come up with the perfect plan and strike the attack," Peter explains.

"I see. But that's a little simple, I done much bigger damage and they still caught me. I suggest something bigger and better like unexpected turns and twists and to top it all off...kill everyone except for Stark," Loki says.

"Why not kill Stark?" Peter asks.

"These mortals are his only family, if you kill them he will break into an even worse condition."

Peter smirks and takes in the information. "Thank you for your help, this is going to be interesting."


So ye like I said, school is gonna be back on soon and I wanna curl up and die...but I will still try to update Atleast three times week


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