Not a chapter but plz read

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Okay so...I've been noticing something recently on one of my first parts. Now, I'm sorry to be a baby about it but it hurts.

Some of y'all are commenting shit on my concept characters part. I don't want to be a bitch about such a small thing so I'm going to explain this as nicely as I can:

These concept characters are important to me. I've made so many that are in my camera roll rn that no one has seen. It may not seem like a big deal but I'm actually quite attached to these characters because of...certain reasons. They helped me get out such dark places when I made them, sometimes I vent through them when I feel horrible. When my anxiety starts playing up i make characters out of my idols. These characters are more than fan fiction to me and I know none of you knew that before but now you know. I didn't think I would have a problem with people commenting that sort of stuff on it but just hurts.

So I'm going to be nice enough to delete those comments because I don't want my friends coming at you, they are vicious.

I hope y'all understand, sorry to be sensitive about it but I have to. I am sensitive about it and I'm sorry.

If u were one of those people please don't stop reading, i promise I'm not that weak and sensitive all the time.

Until next time, see u next part

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