22- Arguments

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•Eagle's POV•

"I can't believe it's almost been a full month. It's only 2 weeks away! 2 weeks since we knew anything about how Spider is doing or since we got out this stupid room," Eagle exclaims.

She looks around at everyone who is looking miserable, seeing if she gets an answer of any sort. As expected, no one does.

"Oh-come one guys you all still can't be angry with each other!" Eagle complains.

The past few days have been horrible between the team, their relationship tearing up slowly, day by day.

Shock sits in one corner, Tele in the opposite. Strike sits in one corner and Eagle in the opposite. One corner each.

Although Eagle tried to keep everyone together, nothing worked and no one wanted to cooperate.

"The boss is an idiot thinking we could've been a professional team," Strike states.

"We are only like this because of your attitude," Tele growls at him.

"Don't go passing the blame, kid. Don't go passing it because we all know who's fault this is," Strike says as his eyes travel towards Eagle.

"Oh shut up! I'm with Tele on this, your attitude is shit. Literal. Shit," She argues back.

Strike rolls and closes his eyes again to block everyone out.

"Yeah go on, close your eyes. It's not gonna do anything. We are all still going to be here where you open them!" Eagle says.

As one argument finishes another starts.

"Oh shut up I bet if you actually talked you would be twice as bad," Tele yells at Shock.

"W-What are you talking about, she didn't say anything," Eagle says.

"She's talking shit about us in her head. Saying how we need to control ourselves, I bet you don't know one thing about controlling yourself!"

Shock stays completely calm while sitting in her corner.

"Stop yelling at her she isn't doing anything!" Eagle yells.

"Whatever. F*ck this shit I'm out (Lol I'm sorry)," Tele says, walking up to the bars and grabbing them. He used his powers to help him bend them out.

"Tele! What the hell are you doing?" Eagle yells.

"I said, I'm out." With that said, he walks out the room.

"Are you fricken serious? He could do that the whole time?" Strike complains.

Eagle sighs as she also walks out, the others following. They sneak their way through the place, but something is off.

"Guys?" Eagle whispers, when she sees she has their attention she continued, "where is everyone?"

•Back At Helicarrier•

Nick Fury walks back out the room, once again leaving Peter, Steve and Tony alone.

It's been done. It's been done now and Peter do anything about it. He hates it.

After not being told any information about the base, Nick decided to connect him to a certain machine. The machine you call a 'polygraph'. But not just any polygraph, a very accurate one. (Because S.H.I.E.L.D tech is very advanced).

After receiving all the information they needed Nick disconnected the machine and left them to be while they process all the data.

"Fury is an idiot, he could have done that from the start," Tony states.

"He didn't because you probably wouldn't of let him," Steve responds.

"Excuse me? You were the one who let him in the tower," Tony recalls

"You're the one who done everything for him."

"But I would not have done anything for him if you didn't let him in the tower."

"Oh can you two shut up, literal five year olds," Natasha complains as she walks into the room, "anyways, Fury says he needs both of you."

Tony and Steve nod and walk out. Natasha stays in the room so Peter doesn't try anything.

"Surprised you took me to the shop, you being a super spy and all I thought you would have knew," Peter says.

"Mhm," She simply responds.

"Why'd you take me there anyways? Doesn't the tower not allow pets?"

"I wanted to see Tony's reaction to an animal being in the tower, it would have been funny I gotta admit...but then I caught you talking to Loki and all that went away," she explains.

Natasha looks at Peter and narrows her eyes, "now it's my turn to ask questions."

"Go ahead."

"You could have had a whole life ahead of you. So why did you choose the bad side?"

•HYDRA base•

The question brought everyone's attention to Eagle. Also noticing the lack of people.

"Your right. Everyone's gone," Shock says.

"No, no no they wouldn't just leave," Eagle says.

"Guys!" Tele's voice came down the hallway.

Everyone was surprised he was still here and that he would ever talk to them again.

"Guys! We have a problem!" He yells out again.

Eagle, Shock and Strike all follow and rush to Tele's voice. They see his figure standing at a small window looking outside. They go to his side and what they see is defiantly not good.

Helicopters. Jets. Agents. More helicopters. And in the middle of it all are the HYDRA soldiers all fighting.

Eagle knew what was going on.

SHIELD had found them.



Life rn is going much better now, hooray!

I'm very hyped for July, Spider FFH is coming out, Stranger things S3 is coming out, I'm designing a game, Lion king is coming out and most of all the doctors finally found out wats wrong with me

Hope y'all are going great as well

Anyways til next time
Peace :D

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