17- Fighting Chaos Pt.1

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•Brooklyn SHIELD facility•

The jet lands, the jet that holds the avengers.

Tony, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky and Sam all walk in the doors.

"I called Rhodey, he should be here soon,"
Tony informs.

The avengers all gather up at one table with Nick Fury.

"We have a problem, a big one," Nick says.

"No shit, we trusted a kid who is HYDRA's most deadliest and smartest weapon," Natasha sasses.

"I understand why we did it, he is-well, was just like me. Brain washed and tortured," Bucky says.

"But the thing is he is not being brain washed, he is doing it willingly," Tony says.

"Alright everyone calm down, I know we have a problem and we have multiple helicopters flying around New York, Brooklyn and Queens now, we will find him and lock him up," Nick states.

"It's not that easy, he is highly skilled in combat," Steve murmurs.

"But with all of you working as a team he can't win, I know that," Nick declares.

"He done something with our weapons," Bucky says.

The avengers give hums as an answer.

"What if we lure him?" Wanda suggests.

"But how?" Tony asks.

"By what I know, Steve said he's after you right? We put you in a vulnerable place and he will Strike his attack, then we will pop out and take him down," Wanda explains.

The avengers give each other looks before Nick says "that could work."

•Somewhere in Brooklyn•

'If only you were here eagle, you could see for miles' Peter thought.

Peter looks up only to see helicopters filling the air. He is in a good hiding place for now, but he needs to make a move on.

So instead of sitting around any longer he sneakily makes his way to the facility.

When he sees it he looks in the air and around the area. Nothing and no one around. So he continues to move forward.

But he makes a sudden stop when he sees three guards start walking around.

"God damnit," he whispers.

He flicks out his wrists towards the guards and webs shoot out which cover their mouths so they can't yell.

He finishes them off as he throws mini knives at their chests.

"Nighty night," he mutters.

He also sees multiple cameras.

"So extra," He laughs.

He webs the cameras up and slips inside the facility.

'The avengers would have been down by now if I had my team, fuck you Adam' Peter thought.

He looks around before his spidey senses start tingling. The avengers. Sitting in the next room.

He quietly opens his bag and takes out the five bombs. He scatters two where he is and goes out side. He then walks to the other entrances and places one bomb beside the doors.

What a show this will be.

•the avengers and Nick•

"Alright so this plan, is everyone in for it?" Steve asks.

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