9- Surprise Visit

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Thor and Loki left. They went back to Asgard. As for Peter, he and Loki exchanged ideas for attacking.

Peter thinks it's all good from here...until he hears...that he has to...socialise and bond with the avengers. Peter's worst nightmare. He only likes interacting with his friends. (Relatable)

"First we have to go shopping and get you out of those horrible, dark and evil type clothes. Then Natasha will cover up those tattoos with makeup because we don't want the paparazzi questioning that and then we can all go to the park or something, sound good?" Tony asks Peter.

"Sounds like fun, but can we leave the spider tattoo on, it's sort of the only thing I have to remember about my friends." Peter says.

Tony sighs with sadness "Sure."

'Damnit Tony, this kid tried to kill you stop being so damn nice' Tony thinks to himself. He shakes himself out of his thoughts and concentrates on the conversation. "Alright, let's get going."

Tony and Peter say bye to the other avengers and get in Tony's newest car.

They buckle their seatbelts and drive off to the shops.

When they arrive Peter can only see cars. Lots of cars and lots of people. So many cars and people.

The car comes to a stop and they get out.

"How much you planning to spend kid?" Tony asks.

"Not much, don't wanna waste your money," Peter says.

"Seriously? Don't wanna waste my money? Kid I'm a billionaire, it's fine."

Peter smiles as a reply and they keep walking. A few people stop walking and try to take photos but Tony covers Peter's face.

Theres also random people who are coming up to them and ask if Peter is Tony's son.

"Just keep walking and mind your own business," Tony snapped.

They finally walk into the shop that is also full of people.

"Follow me," Tony says.

They start walking to a boys section. When they arrive Tony tells Peter to look around for some clothes.

Tony won't leave Peter's side because he is worried that if he does, Peter will make a run for it or kill someone.

After a few minutes Peter picks out three black hoodies, seven plain black or grey shirts and seven pairs of pants.

"That's it?" Tony asks.

Peter shrugs and nods.

"Okay then," Tony says.

They begin walking to the check out. They are greeted by a lady who does not try to ask questions about Tony and Peter. She does her job.

Tony and Peter walk out the shop and to the car. They place the bags in the back and hop in.

"Now we can go back home and you can get dressed into better, less criminal-like clothes," Tony says.

Peter smiles as a reply because before he could say anything Tony's phone starts ringing.

Tony swipes on the screen and lifts the phone to his ear. "Hey Nat, What you calling for?"

Peter decides to use his hearing to hear the phone call.

"We can't go to the park today. Shield is coming to the Tower to interview us and the kid," Natasha says.

"Wh-What? Why? Who told them?"

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