18- Fighting Chaos Pt. 2

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(So as you can see, after homecoming got the most votes, which I shall post that story after this one)

Peter becomes eye locked with Bucky.

"Peter, we can stop this all now and I won't let them take you. We can teach you that HYDRA are the enemies here and you can have a life out of there, or we can keep fighting and you will end up in prison."

Peter freezes at Bucky's words. He looks down off the building and spots Clint trying to breathe due to the amount of smoke. He sees a almost unconscious Tony and Steve laying. He sees Rhodey falling from the sky and onto the ground,  Sam and Wanda are running over to him.

He looks around at the chaos he created.

"Peter we will help you," Bucky finishes.

Steve looks at him in confusion and wonders why they would help him after all this. Bucky nods at him and Steve catches on.

A new plan. Bucky distracts Peter and Steve captures him.

"I don't wanna stay here, my home is HYDRA, I have friends there, I have a mission to complete. So if you don't mind me I will take your precious Tony Stark and shoot him in the head, then I will personally snap all your necks in half, but I have to be honest with you, it's been mildly fun!" Peter turns around to start walking back over to Tony but instead is met by Steve who pushes him to the ground.

"Bucky!" Steve calls.

Bucky runs over and helps hold down Peter.

"GET THE F*CK OFF ME!" Peter screams.

Peter thrashes around, he has no weapons to help him and hand-hand combat is kinda impossible right now. Being held down by two super soldiers isn't fun. Steve and Bucky each hold one leg and one arm down.

Steve and Bucky still try their hardest in strength to hold him down while Bruce makes sure Natasha and Clint are stable so he can fly the jet into the roof.

Peter eventually gets one of his hands free and goes to punch Bucky But is stopped by Tony who helps.

"How the f*ck did you escape from those webs!" Peter screams.

"I have a team, unlike you," Tony answers. (We stan sassy Tony)

After a long few minutes of trying their best at holding down Peter, the jet is finally on the roof.

"How do we do this?" Bucky asks.

"Pick him up by his arms," Steve replies.

They pick Peter up by the arms, he starts kicking around frantically trying to get free. He eventually slips one of his arms out and merely turns around to kick Bucky to the ground. Steve struggles to pull Peter towards him to grab his other arm so no more harm can be done.

Bucky quickly gets up to see if he can help in any way.

"Put him in the chair!" Bruce yells.

Steve and Bucky see the chair with restraints attached, with Bucky's help Steve barely throws Peter into to it.

Bruce runs over and starts doing up the metal restraints.

Peter is being held down by the two super soldiers which stops him from ripping off their heads.

Peter starts kicking around and hits Bruce in the face.

"Ow-was That necessary," Bruce mutters But continues to tighten the restraints.

Once the leg restraints are done they start tightening the arm ones. There is also one around his waist and neck.

They lock a steel muzzle-like piece around him so he can't speak.

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