25- Internship=Gone

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^ FNaF meme for y'all who like FNaF :D

•with Peter...still•

Peter calculates that it has been Atleast an hour, no one would be capable to stay that long waiting for him to come out his blankets, right. He was wrong.

He takes the blankets off his head only to see Tony and Bucky still sitting outside the cell, waiting.

"Pete-" Tony starts, before Peter cuts him off.

"No, don't Peter me. I don't want to talk to you, go away."

"Huh, it seems that you have lost all your good comebacks hey?" Tony teases.

Peter rolls his eyes.

"Cmon just talk to us, it's not going to take too long."

"You know what never mind. I'm not waiting here any longer, you can if you want Tony but I'm out," Bucky says, obviously not in the mood anymore. He will just have to save his questions for later.

Peter smiles, "one down on to go."

"Oh-h-h no. I'm not leaving. Don't get too happy yet," Tony smiles back.

"Hm sure," Peter sasses. (Oof)

Tony continues to sit in his chair, quietly. While Peter sits on his bed, silently. It becomes awkward almost immediately before Tony speaks up.

"Kid, look. I just want t-need to. I need to know why you chose it to be this way. Why did you do it?"

"Do what? Because in my eyes, I did nothing," Peter replies.

"You know what. Attack me, kidnap me, bring me back to the tower, stay with us and get our trust than betray us."

"It was a mission and I never fail," Peter simply says.

"Never fail? Is that why you're here in a cell?" Tony smirks. When the only response he got was a frown he continued, "We could have helped you have a life, Peter. You could of had a life with us, the avengers, in that tower. Go to school and make friends. Have game nights with everyone. But instead you did this. I'm not an expert but I'm guessing you want to go back to HYDRA?"

"Obviously, it's my home," Peter shrugs.

"No, it's a bad place. I don't know how well they have brainwashed you into thinking you should fight for them, but they did a darn good job..."

"Brainwashing? Uh no. I want to go back on my own choice. There ain't any strings attached. I'm no one's puppet," Peter defends.

Tony's eyebrows narrows. 'That's strange' he thinks.

"You want to go back to all the torture and violence?" Tony asks.

"You already heard it from Ava, there's no torture. This place has used more machines to get information out of me than they ever did!" Peter yells.

"Now that's a lie," Tony points out, but obviously wrong.

"What would you know! That's right, nothing! S-So just shut up!"

Tony sighs, knowing nothing else is going to come from Peter's mouth, he begins to walk away. But stops. He remembered a question he wanted to ask Peter a while ago.

"Just one more answer, please," he turns back to Peter, "What exactly did Ava tell them?"

Peter smiles, At last, a topic he actually wanted to answer, "The real question is, are you going to believe me?"

"Depends," Tony shrugs.

"I will just have to prove it won't I? Well, firstly, she told us all your weaknesses and how to get into the tower unnoticed. She told us how to cut the power and how to deactivate FRIDAY. Oh and let's not forget the fact that she didn't even hesitate to tell us this information that is ever so precious to you all," Peter explains.

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