19- Can't Think Of A Title

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W-what's this? Me updating an actual chapter?????? OH MY GOD ITS A MIRACLE

•Queen's HYDRA base•

Eagle wakes up.

She has barely enough energy to open her eyes but manages it.

"For real, do you ever not have a nap?" Strike jokes.

"Shut up. At least I get sleep, mr. I miss my bed."

"It's true! The ground is so hard!" Strike complains.

"Urgg do you guys ever not argue?" Shock groans.

Eagle rolls her eyes as a response. It's been a while since Spider left and hasn't return, to Eagle's worry. There's been no updates, Adam refuses to tell them any information.

Spider could be dead for all she knows.

"Eagle is worrying about her boyfriend again!" Strike laughs.

"F*cking hell Strike shut up or I will come over there and make you," Eagle threatens as she stands up and walks to the cell bars.

"Ya gonna tell us something about our friend or not!" She shouts through the cell. She kicks the bars in anger and storms back to her corner.

"Guys just stay calm," Tele says quietly.

"Calm? Calm. You want me to be calm? You say that everyday Tele and it makes me hundreds times less calm. So f*cking shut your mouth," Eagle growls.

Shock let's out a sigh "forget her Tele, she won't listen."

Eagle leans her head against the wall and closes her eyes, 'what did I do to this team'.

•quinjet (is that how u spell it?)•

Peter barely opens his eyes before he hears Nick's annoying voice, "we'd hope you would have been out longer."

(^^^Bruh idk why but this give me teen wolf vibes from that one scene from S4 E6)

Peter notices how they were about to untie the restraints. The metal muzzle is taken off and Peter immediately speaks up.

"F*ck you," he mumbles.

"Do you speak to your mother with that language?"

Peter starts wriggling in the restraints aggressively, "I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you in the most painful way I know, wait till my tram gets here you will all be dead!" He screams.

"Really Nick? You had to make him angry before we take him in?" Clint huffs.

Nick rolls his eyes before turning to Bruce, "hey Banner, got any more of those sedatives?"

"No I only had one."

"Idiots," Peter laughs.

"Shut your damn mouth before I send you to hard time," Nick warns.

This only makes Peter, once again, laugh, "you don't scare me with that shit."

Fury shakes his head out of annoyance and turn his attention to Steve, "are you stable?"

"Wha-oh, no no i can't take him in, he struggled out before in mine and Bucky's grip and we are both super soldiers, you know, super strength and all."

"You f*cking idiots, can't even get a fifth teen year old kid inside," Peter laugh.

Fury closes his eyes and breathes out. When he opens his eyes he turns to Bruce, "can you get another sedative?"

"N-no I don't think so, not here. Plus that's the only one I've had for months," Bruce answered.

"Why can't we just get a bunch of your so called skilled agents to do it?" Tony sarcastically says with air quotes on the word 'skilled'.

Fury rolls his eyes and turns on his hill to walk out the jet, "get him inside. Coulson, Hill, follow me." With that, Fury walks out the jet with Phil and Maria leaving the team alone to think it out.

The team give each other awkward glances before starting to think of separate ideas in their own minds.

•15 mins•

"I'm getting a bit bored sitting here...let's go back to the park," Peter is the first one to speak for fifth teen minutes.

No one replies.

"What about we all get ice cream," he suggests.

Once again, no replies.

"Wait wait! I know! Let's go get my friends, they can actually make plans."

"Someone shut him up!" Sam yells.

"You Shut him up if you hate it so much," Bucky states.

Sam sharply turns his head to Bucky and raises an eyebrow, "if I hate it so much? So you enjoy him talking?"

"Did I say I like it?" Bucky sarcastically smiles.

"I mean, yes, yes you kinda did," Sam replies.

The sarcastic smile drops on Bucky's face as he turns away from him, "yep okay, sure."

"Wow you guys can't even plan together without fighting. No wonder why you can't get a child inside a facility," Peter chuckles.

The team accepts the fact that they cannot get a teenager into a facility, because it's true. But they just don't know how to get a HYDRA assassin in the helicarrier.


Mini filler chapter, im sorry please don't kill me but I just couldn't write anymore, but I needed to get a chapter out for not doing so for so long.

Anyways I'm starting a diary-type book, it's gonna be called 'life of the author' (of course lol) and it's just gonna be like a blog...except not on YouTube. Idk I just want to write my life somewhere and share it with other people, assuming you guys think I'm funny enough to do that.

So I'm just gonna start posting that book...EDIT: it's uploaded


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